Chapter 21

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Priya's Pov

Finally my final exams are over and now from tomorrow onwards i am going to be in 11th!!!! Yes!

You know what i have opted for is Humanities with maths+Fine arts!! As you guys know my goal, i wanna be a fashion designer and even my interest is more in Sst and Maths is important for me to take up.

Guys humanities doesn't mean that we will give UPSC only! Or government exams, it have many more scopes and as nobody know it's importance that's why nobody is interested in it and taking it up.

Well i don't wanna bore you guys with subject related lecture but there is one thing which i wanna tell you guys is that there is alot of jobs in this field and as less people persue it you will surely get a job that to with very good salary.

Bhawna took the same course as mine but Manvi chose Commerce with maths which is really heartbreaking for three of us as we have to be separate.

But we have made it very clear that we will meet up during lunch, before school, after School and will talk on phone.

Actually at once we hoped to convince Manvi to take up humanities but her interest is more in business side and so Bhawna and i didn't pressure her because if she would have had taken up the subject of our choice, she might just studied it without any interest and liking.

This would have lead to a unstable life for her which we don't want at all. It's her life her choice just like i have a dream even she does.

And finally i will be able to meet Rahul!!!!

From past few months i wasn't able to meet him.

And let me clear one thing to you guys that i didn't call him at all because you know it is kinda awkward to call his mother everytime.

I know we have talked few times and met even less but you know what! I like him sooooo much ! And you can say it as Crush in other words.

With crush i remember that i have to tell about this to my friends as promised! Shit!

But if i will keep this more in my heart,  the more i will speak up about it all the time so it's better i call them now and tell them.

I walk in Bhai's room, the gate was already open, Bhai was looking at something in his phone with so much concentration.

I knocked the door "Bhai"

He looked up at me and quickly kept his phone aside.

"Priya, come in"

I entered in and he stood up from his bed

"Bhai, i need your Phone"

"Yeah one minute"

He did something on his phone and gave it to me "Here"

"Thanks bhai, i will give it you in some moment"

He nods and i walk out of the room.

I call Bhawna and Manvi.

"Hello Priya" Bhawna said

"Hi, wait a minute i will join in Manvi as well"


I put the phone on hold and call Manvi.

"Hello Priya"

Merge the calls "hello Manvi, Bhawna is also on line"

"Hi Manvi"

"Hello Bhawna"

"So why did you guys call?" Manvi asked

"I didn't, Priya did to tell something i guess" Bhawna said

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