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No, a circle is not what you thought it was. "A circle" does not mean to get a pen and draw a round shape on a sheet of paper, at least in witchcraft it doesn't. A circle is far more than that.

A circle is of course in the shape of a circle but the proper purpose of it is to cast a space of protection around yourself or your alter. You can cast circles before doing spells, divination, rituals or anything of the sort.

The circle keeps out all spirits and any other entities trying to get to you. It's a barrier and you're the only one inside. Nobody can enter unless you invite them in. Casting a circle isn't just for spells and rituals, it is also for protective reasons. Even just surrounding yourself in a quick circle of salt is still considered a circle.

You can invite deities and spirits into your circle. They can only enter if they are invited inside. Like any other entity, you can also invite Creepypastas into your circle but do be careful with them since they are negative entities.

Now, I'd like to mention that every witch casts a circle in a way that suits them. When you're starting off you'll probably follow some sort of steps to get you started. As you get used to casting a circle you'll find a way that suits you best and that's great, everyone has their own favourite ways.

You can cast a circle on any day, in any location (as long as you're not disturbing anyone), at any time and any season. Circles aren't limited to a specific date or time.


This is how I personally cast a circle:

1.) Find a quiet area - Find somewhere that you can be at peace and free of distractions. Make sure no one interrupts you while you're in your circle.

2.) Cleanse the area you're casting your circle in - You can use a broomstick to sweep away the negative energy or you can smudge the area (Don't use white sage!). Do whatever you prefer and/or what's easiest and best for you. Your goal here is to move the negative energy away.

3.) Meditate - I usually mediate for 5-10 minutes before casting my circle to clear my mind. If you have trouble meditating on your own you can use a guided meditation.

4.) Objects - Place anything that you'll be using for your spell or ritual inside where the circle will be.

5.) Salt - Sprinkle salt water around the circle in all directions. You can also sprinkle black salt if you have any. Sprinkling salt is to bless the circle and help banish away negative energy. As you're sprinkling the salt visualise your circle closing up. Imagine a barrier where nothing can get in and nothing can get out. Be careful not to accidentally sprinkle it on crystals that don't mix well with water if you're using salt water. Go around 3 times.

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