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Chakras are the centers of spiritual power in your body

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Chakras are the centers of spiritual power in your body. There are 7 in total and they all do separate things. Having chakras blocked can cause certain little problems such as stuttering when talking.

Crown Chakra: The crown chakra Is the chakra of spirituality. When the Crown Chakra is open you'll feel calm, even in stressful situations. It'll make you feel like one with every other living being, including spirits. If your crown chakra is blocked you may feel sensitive to the environment around you, depressed, separated from life itself, etc.

Third Eye Chakra: It is the chakra of awareness. When the Third Eye Chakra is open you'll be able to see auras, have more vivid dreams, increased intuition, see colors more vividly and light more brightly. Signs that it is blocked are; Lack of intuition, anxiety, disconnecting from nature and other beings, being unable to sleep & unhealthy eating.

Throat Chakra: The throat chakra is the chakra of communication. If your throat chakra is blocked, you'll experience social anxiety, stumbling, difficulty speaking up, lying a lot, being unable to express your true thoughts & shyness. If it is open you'll experience pretty much the opposite of how you felt when/if it was closed.

Heart Chakra: Love & Healing. If it is closed you'll feel judgemental of other people, lack of sympathy and/or empathy, easily jealous, constantly in-need of validation & having trouble forgiving people. Signs that it is open are being very caring towards others, increased sympathy and empathy, experiencing strong emotions, forgiving easily, compassion & being accepting of others.

Solar Plexus Chakra: The Solar Plexus is the Chakra of wisdom & power. If it is blocked you may experience; Lack of self-confidence and self-esteem, a victim mentality, lack of self-control, dwelling on the past, bloating & helplessness. If the solar plexus Chakra is open, you'll feel confident, in control, motivated, personal power & ease when conveying plans and ideas into reality.

Sacral Chakra: This is the Chakra of sexuality and creativity. If it is open you'll love life and feel happiness, fulfilment, normal libido & increased creativity/a better imagination. If it's blocked you may experience: strong addictions, an overly-active libido, destructive behaviours & lack of feelings of fulfilment and creativity.

Root Chakra: The Root chakra is the Chakra of basic trust. If it's blocked you may feel as though you are in danger or in the presence of negative energy, even when you aren't. You may also feel unproductive and will daydream a lot. If it's open you'll feel security, accomplishment, connection to the universe, balanced & safety.

Chakras can be opened with crystals, meditation and everyday activities suited to a specific chakra. Be careful though, sometimes chakras can get overactive.


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