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(this is right before he goes to attack the ten rings. Before the battle of Gulmira)

Tony sat on his couch one of the hand of his suit was taken apart and he was fixing it while keeping his eyes on the tv. Blake was sitting next to him on the couch playing with some scraps of metal, Tony watched in anger.

"the group responsible for these attacks is known as the ten rings" the reporter said. Tony froze

"daddy?" Blake asked, Tony clenched his fist and stood up. Those weapons being used for all the destruction were his it was his fault. Tony looked down at Blake 

"im ok, time for bed" he said picking her up, he walked upstairs to her room and laid her on the bed her eyes were barely open now. A little yawn made its way out of her mouth.

"love you" she mumbled then was asleep. Tony kissed her head

" ill be back by morning, i promise" he whispered and left her room "Jarvis, watch her and keep me notified" he said

"yes sir" the Al answered 

"play time" Tony said he went to his lab and picked up his unfinished glove, he pointed his hand out and let a blast from the glove out he smirked slightly. He set a few more shots around his lab breaking the glass windows, "Jarvis Suit me up"

(hello! little time skip)

Tony flew through the air, and landed in the middle of the burning town. Immediately the man in front of him started firing his gun, the bullets bounced off the Iron Man suit, Tony didn't waste time and punched the man straight in the gut sending him flying. Tony spun around and started firing at the terrorists around him, as he turned he froze a group of the men had women and children trapped with there gun pointed at their heads, they shouted at him, of course Tony didn't understand exactly what they were saying but he got the idea and let his hand fall. He looked through his helmet and targeted the bad guys, with a click of a button tiny missiles shout out of his shoulders killing the men instantly.

Tony looked at a mother holding her to children, a parent's job was to protect their kids, Tony knew that more than ever, and now all he wanted was to finish this.

Tony looked at a mother holding her to children, a parent's job was to protect their kids, Tony knew that more than ever, and now all he wanted was to finish this

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(the sassy walk tho, yes bitch)

(tiny time skip again)

"hello who is this?" Tony said 

"this is Rhodes" a voice said, 

"speak up please " Tony said, its quite loud you know, flying.

"its Rhodes, look i... where the hell are you?" Rhodes asked he could barely hear Tony over the loud sound

"uh driving with the top down" Tony said casually 

"yeah well, i need your help right now" he said plugging one ear in efforts to keep the sound of chaos around him quite.

"funny how that works huh?" Tony said letting the sass drip into his voice. Rhodes wasn't taking shit though

"yeah. Speaking of funny we have a weapons depot that was just blown up, around the area you were held captive.

"well that's a hot spot" Tony cut in "sounds like someone stepped in a did the job for you" he said gasping slightly for breath

"why do you said out of breath?" Rhodes asked

"i was chasing Blake around the house, you know i can only do it when Pepper isn't around" Tony answered forgetting he had just said he was driving.

"i thought you were driving"

"right i was driving"

"you sure you don't have any tech in that area" Rhodes cut in

"nope!" Tony said.

"boogie spotted!" a man at a computer yelled Rhodes looked up

"ok good because im staring at one right now and its about to be blown to kingdom come" Rhodes said

"well thats my exit"


sorry it stopped so suddenly, i was getting tired of basically reweighting the movie so im skipping a bunch!

wassup guys! i have been go a bit, i came back and damn this story is doing good like, LETS GO GUYS!! yall are amazing and i have gotton some great comments so thank you so so so much!

remember im always here if ya need me 

bye loves!

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