Chapter 1

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Brianna's POV

Jude please you really can't do this to me. Especially not now that I need you the most. I know have not been that perfect girlfriend but I'll try. I'll try Jude. Please. I could feel the tears running down my eyes. I feel so broken right now. I just lost my mum to ovarian cancer and that has left me with a lot of debts. To add to my wound I just caught my boyfriend of three years in bed with my supposed best friend but I couldn't care less at this point. I just need Jude back in my life. I need my emotional support and that's Jude. I have three siblings to take care of and I don't think I can do this without Jude and Cynthia my best friend. I don't even care if they've been sleeping together. I just need them at this point in time.

Jude please you can't break up with me. You know how much I need you right now.

Am sorry Kelly but I no longer love you. I love Cynthia so very much. To tell you the truth, I never loved you. I only dated you out of pity. You were always ranting about how your mum was heal and all of that. Have always had my eyes on Cynthia and I only became friends with you just to get her and I did. I really can't believe you were so dumb to believe that I loved you.

But you told me you loved me Jude, you did . I said crying

I never loved you Brianna Kelly. Get that into your thick skull loser. Have always loved Cynthia and that's it.

You heard him Kelly. He never loved you. He only dated you out of pity. He has always loved me and I love him too so leave us the hell alone .

Cynthia please you guys can't just leave. I said holding Cynthia's hand with pleading eyes.

Let go Kelly. She said in a very harsh tune.

You heard her Brianna leave her alone. Jude said in a harsh tune.

Have never seen the both of them this cold before. Am pretty sure they've been going out for a while. So I a asked wiping away my tears.

How long as this been going on for?

Well as long as we can remember and just so you know we are expecting our first child together. Cythia said.

You've got to be kidding me. How could you guys do this to me. I broke down I tears.

Leave now or I'll have the guards throw you out. Jude said

I picked up my bag and left his house without a second thought.

I knew I needed a drink, I need a bar. My heart is shattered. I feel like theirs a knot in my chest. The hurt I feel is just to much for me to bear.

I got into a bar and all I could hear was the sound of my hiccup. I had shed too much tears in the last 24 hours. With my mum's sudden pass and my encounter with my boyfriend and my best friend, I just couldn't hold back the tears. I know I can't go home yet. I don't want my siblings to see me this broken. They have absolutely no idea that our mum is no more and I really don't know how to break the news to them because we all were expecting my mum to come back home to us. The doctors assured us that her surgery would go well since her cancer was still stage three. She just found out she had cancer about a week ago and now she's no more. She used to complain of stomach pain but we all taught it was her ulcer acting up for years until we found out that it was cancer about a week ago. We had to take out a loan in other to pay for her surgery hoping we could save her life. Am the only one my siblings have left now and I can't let them see me like this. I have to stay strong for them. With one of my sibling that just got into college , one preparing for college and the last one that just entered high school. I know I have a lot of work to do. I need to earn money if I want my siblings to go to Uni. My siblings deserve that much and I know my parents would want the same thing. I graduated with a first class honors in Business and Human Resource Management but have not really had the chance to search for job because of my mum. Have been working part time in order to take care of her and my siblings but I guess I have to look for job now if I really want my siblings to finish school.

Before I knew what I was doing, I had already finished five cups of liquor and the alcohol is starting to get to me and it made me feel lighter than I was before entering the bar. Loud music started playing and I was up on my feet before I knew what I was doing. I grabbed a face mask that I saw on the table and got to dancing. To me dance as always been everything. I dance at the slightest things. When am happy or sad , dance is always my go to routine.

I started swaying my hips and buried myself in the dance. I saw a pole in front of the bar and started swaying and dancing with the pole. Dancing here feels so good and I feel happy even if it is for a while.

I didn't notice that a lot of people have donated money in a bowl in front of me till the music stopped. But I didn't dance because of money. I did it because I wanted to. I counted the money and it was about five thousand dollars. I mean how did I make this much money all in one night? Am still in shock. I counted one thousand dollars and gave it to the bar tender before walking out of the bar.

There it is lovelies. Am done with chapter one. Thanks for giving Feel the redeem a chance and I really hope to stay till the end. Please don't forget to vote, comment and share 💕💕

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