| Hoshi |

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"Well, this wasn't supposed to happen."


Hoshi's P.O.V.

Me and Jun were in the backyard of the house of one of S.Coups' many enemies. We were here to retrieve a ring that had been stolen from his father after they killed him seventeen years ago.

Jeonghan and Minghao were our back-ups. They were waiting a block down from the house. Jeonghan was ready to pick us up and drive us at illegal speeds to get us away while Minghao sat at his computer setup, making sure we were connected and giving us instructions.

"Okay, you're at house 1360, right?" Minghao's voice came through our comms.

"What type of fools do you take us for to get the wrong house?" Jun joked while giving me a playful grin.

"Well, if we're being completely honest, I wouldn't be surprised if you two were in the wrong neighborhood." Minghao snapped back. "Just go get the damned ring."

Both me and Jun had to hold ourselves back from laughing.

There seemed to be no lights turned on in the house so this should be relatively easy unless the house was filled with booby traps. A little more deadly but a lot more fun!

Carefully me and Jun picked the lock of the backdoor and stealthily entered the house with our guns ready for any threat.

"You have a guess for where the ring will be hidden?" I whispered to Minghao.

"Probably in his room or his personal study."

"And where would those be?" Jun asked. He always liked to piss Minghao off.

After a mumble of what was probably a hurdle of curses to Jun, "Upstairs."Jun smiled at Minghao's reaction.

Rolling my eyes I lead the way as we went upstairs to look for the ring.

The second door to the right was a smaller room, it had an average-sized desk with a desktop and scattered papers on the top of it, there were two file cabinets to the left, and a printer to the right.

I signaled to Jun that I was going to look through the file cabinets and for him to search through the desk.

While rummaging around in one of the cabinets I heard a small gasp from the doorway.

I spun around and pointed my gun at someone who had their back facing me as he raced away.

I chased after them with Jun right behind me. Downstairs the person ran toward their front door.

I reached them right before they reached the door. Pinning the person to the wall with one hand 

I placed my gun to their head with the other hand.

"I thought the person was a dude?" The person standing in front of me was a girl with black hair that barely reached her shoulders, and she looked absolutely terrified.

"What do you mean?"

"Is there anyone else who lives here?"

"No....." Minghao sounded disappointed, "You're in the wrong damn house aren't you!" He screamed into mine and Jun's ears.

"Yep!" Jun said oddly cheery.

I turned back to the girl, "Well, this wasn't supposed to happen"

"How did you fucking idiots get the wrong house?" Jeonghan's voice suddenly came through the comms. "What's the address? I'm picking you fools up."

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