| Scenario - Teaching Their Girlfriend how to Protect Themselves |

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- His original idea is to hire someone to teach you while he watches to make sure everything goes smoothly and you're taught correctly.

- After two lessons he would fire whoever he hired saying, "They don't live up to my expectations." (His expectations are just absolute perfection)

- "I can teach you much better."



- Wants you to learn how to shoot and some self-defense.

- Even though Jeonghan was the one who wanted to teach you he often turned your training times to joke around and flirt.

- But when you were actually training Jeonghan would always give you a lot of support and cheered you on.



- He would want you to do start training with him but would be nervous to ask you. 

- Joshua would be ecstatic that you said yes to training with him.

- Gives you compliments which sometimes turn into inspirational speaches.



- Jun wouldn't teach you himself, instead, he would find a public class that taught taekwondo.

- He would get super excited to go to the weekly class with you. He would even change his schedule so that he could go with you.

- Always teased you. Legit all the time. It was nothing mean but it would sometimes get on your nerves.



- He thought that you would be safest if you learned to shoot a gun so he would take you to Seventeen's private shooting range.

- Would teach you by leaning over you and helping you steady and aim the gun. He was basically giving you a big hug.

- Constantly gives you compliments and tells you you're doing well, even if you barely hit the target. "You're doing great!"



- He started having you come and train with him so that the two of you would be able to spend more time together because he didn't think that you spent enough time with each other.

- After dating for a couple of months multiple of Seventeen's enemies have threatened you so he starts to take training with you much more seriously.

- Wonwoo starts teaching you knife skills and some basic self-defense moves.



- It was your idea to start training with Woozi, but for a long time, he opposed it. It took you about two months of asking before he finally caved.

- While the two of you are training he always complains about it being too much work. "I swear this is the last time I'm ever going to train."

- Even though he says that during training he's the one who comes to you and asks if you're ready to train.



- Starts by teaching you a little bit of everything that he knows how to do until you decide which is you're favorite.

- Every now and then he would fight against you. Obviously, he wouldn't hurt you but he would never let you win.

- Minghao enjoys teaching you and is always smiling during your training sessions, even after hours of it.



- Mingyu would want to teach you how to box so that you could do more than protect yourself, he wanted to make sure you could also take someone down if you needed to.

- Even though he would teach you in a way to actually knock people out, Mingyu would constantly tell you to get a good hit in then run away so back up couldn't come.

- Would always be teaching you more and more difficult techniques to that it would be almost impossible to defeat you.



- You two go to meet at the same time, with the same idea to train with each other. 

- He's always smiling with you while training. Even if he was super sore.

- The two of you love training together so much that when DK decides to propose to you he does it after a training session.



- Wants to teach you something to protect yourself. So he teaches you how to shoot because it's the only thing he's good at it.

- Likes to tease you all the time, but in a kind way.

- After you get good at shooting Seungkwang challenges you to shooting constants. 



- You would be the one to go and ask Vernon to teach you. He would agree almost immediately with a smile on his face.

- Vernon would take it just as fun sparring at first. Then you started to beat him and he decided he should take his training more seriously.

- After training together for a couple of months you had gotten so good that he started to take you with him on easier missions.



- You had been asking him for a while to train you but he kept putting it off because he didn't know what to teach you. So once he finally agreed he made you train with The8 for a week so you could decide what you liked most.

- After you found what you liked Dino would start training with you.

- Once the two of you had been training for about a year he would take you out on a mission with him. You enjoyed it a lot so he started to take you on more.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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