| Scenario - When Their Girlfriend is Threatened |

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- He would rush home after getting a text from an anonymous person.

- Once home with you, Seungcheol would order all of his best members and bodyguards to protect the house and you.

- After making sure you were as safe as you could possibly be, he would find the person who had threatened you and made sure they never would be a threat again.



- The second after the unknown person threatened you, Jeonghan would call Joshua and tell him to protect you, without telling you what was going on. He didn't want you to worry when the problem would be over within an hour or so.

- Once he knew you would be safe, he would find a way to track the phone call. When he actually finds the person, Jeonghan would kill them, and the more they threatened you, the more they would suffer.

- Before going home, Jeonghan would invade one of the other member's home to wash off there, so he didn't have to go home all bloody and worry you. After that, he would go home and spend the rest of the night watching movies and probably cuddling.



- Joshua would take you to a secret safe house that was underground so that it was nearly impossible to find the two of you.

- He would also make sure the rest of the group took care of whoever was threatening you.

- Even after you're threatener was dead, Josh convinced you to stay for another week, just to make sure you were completely safe before going back home.



- He wouldn't tell you anything about it. He wouldn't even hint anything was wrong. Instead, he started acting super happy.

- Of course, he wasn't going to just not do anything about the threat to your life. So he would take you on a romantic vacation. That happened to be a small town with crappy internet.

- Originally, he would ask the group to take care of it, but he didn't want someone to accidentally tell you about it. So he hired an assassin to take care of it.



- Would tell her everything, like everything. Even the threat to exact detail. Ends up freaking Y/N out.

- Tells her his plan to keep her safe and how he would kill whoever threatened her, also in great detail. Also, freaking Y/N out.

- After she is safe, Hoshi would take her on a sweet date to try and make her relaxed and also apologize for freaking her out.



- As one of the best fighters in the group, he would immediately become your personal bodyguard.

- He wouldn't feel like you were safe enough with just him, so he would make Jeonghan, Minghao, and Hoshi help him.

- After the problem was dealt with, Wonwoo would tell you that he enjoyed being your bodyguard because it's the most time he's spent with you in a while.



- Wanted to protect you as best as he can.

- He didn't want to put you in any type of danger, so he would just give the person whatever they wanted.

- Woozi didn't trust they wouldn't come for you, so he would stay by your side for at least a week.



- Wouldn't really do anything big to protect you other than sending Hoshi to make sure you stayed safe.

- Minghao would prepare himself with all the weapons he needs to successfully kill a group of people and leave to do his job. No need to have an elaborate safety plan if he could just eliminate the problem.

- Comes home and pretends as if nothing happened and asks you how your day was. He didn't want you to know because he didn't want you to worry about anything. Unfortunately, Hoshi had told you everything.



- Even though he was one of the best fighters in the group, he refused to leave your side to deal with your threatener.

- Instead, he would make Minghao, Wonwoo, And Hoshi deal with it while he stayed home and protected you.

- He wouldn't tell you about anything until everything was dealt with. So he disguised staying home with you as a date where you watched movies and cuddled together.



- The first thing he would do is tell you, DK wanted to let you know the danger you were in so you would be prepared for anything.

- You two would talk it over and agreed that you should go somewhere subtle, a place where you wouldn't be found, and you could be safer.

- After only four days, you were able to come home. You had tried to ask DK what happened, but he refused to tell you, and he wouldn't even tell you who had threatened you.



- Seungkwan was working at Seventeen's main building when he got the message.

- He would rush to your work to pick you up and take you back to the building because it was the safest place that he could take you currently.

- He thought the best option would be to hire someone to deal with the problem. That way the group would all be able to stop a break-in so Y/N would be safer.



- He would come up with a complex plan first. It would take him a couple of days, so he asked you to go on a trip out of the country for a week. Just to make sure you stayed safe.

- Vernon would go to the people and give them everything that they wanted. But he wouldn't leave it at that. He couldn't let them win like that.

- A few days after giving up the stuff that they had wanted, Vernon would get a couple of Seventeen members to help him and they would go to assassin the opposing group and get Vernon's stuff back.



- Would try to figure it out by himself and not ask for help but eventually needs help because he needs backup better fighters.

- Everyone ends up helping somehow. Most of the group goes to deal with the person who threatened you while Dino stays with you.

- Even though the both of you were nervous, Dino would make it a lighter mood and the night ended up being pretty enjoyable.


Turns out writing thirteen different scenarios is difficult. Sorry if some repeat often.

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