| The8 |

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"We almost died because of you!"

(I have no idea if I like this idea or not but I hope you do)

The8's P.O.V.

"Ahh was a lovely day to have another annoying ass mission!" I yelled out while walking into my and Jun's shared room.

"I have had non-stop missions for the past week!" I threw my phone on my bed and paced the room. "And they can's be simple things like 'Go kill this idiot who doesn't know how to bloody pay us'. It's 'Hey go do this life or death mission because why not! Oh by the way most of the money goes to S.Coups not you, ha', Ugh I wished I never joined the mafia. What the fuck was I thinking.?"

After listening to my speech Jun couldn't hold back his laughter. He was laughing so hard that his face became red from lack of breath and he started to wheeze.

Apparently, the dirty look I gave him just made him laugh more. I wanted to be mad but his wheezing was too funny to me and I started to chuckle.

"So what is this terrible mission that you have to do?" Jun finally stopped his wheezing and sat up.

"I have to bodyguard some daughter of some mafia." I flopped onto my bed and started to scroll through my phone. "Like come on at least fighting and killing people is slightly fun. It's not fun to stand around at some party just making sure someone doesn't die."

"You don't even know which group?" Jun asked me exasperated.

"Look I got like three and a half hours of sleep, I didn't really care I just wanted some caffeine."

"Fair." Jun shrugged.

"Okay, just checked and it's Stray Kids. Who names a mafia group stray kids?"


Y/N's P.O.V.

"This party is so dumb. Why do people like to dress up and go eat mediocre food and pretend to be happy while they are horridly miserable, just so they can make some business deal that will likely end in betrayal!" I let out in one breath.

Me and Changbin were hiding in the darkest corner of the large ballroom. We were at another of our dad's parties that he forced us to go to because "It'll be good for you".

"Ugh, I don't think I'll be able to run this thing," Changbin whined, tired of our dad telling him he would soon become a fearless mafia leader. "How am I supposed to be a fearless mafia dude when I can't even annoy you enough to leave me alone?"

I had to try my best to not burst out laughing at his dilemma. Grabbing my water, I took a sip trying to stop my laughing, but that just ended in me almost choking to death.

Changbin laughed at me after giving me a dirty look. "You are so dumb."

He subtly pointed somewhere behind me, "Oh look, it's the bodyguard our dad hired for you."

I let out a long sigh, "Why did he decide I needed one anyway? I can shoot a gun just fine and it's not like I'm an idiot."

"Uhh, one you are an idiot. Two you're clumsy as fuck and almost killed me on accident the last time you shot a gun."

"Who said that was an accident?" I gave him a rude, sisterly look, while he lightly hit my arm.

"You do realize I'm supposed to be watching you, so that means don't run away every two minutes." A tired voice popped up behind me. I turned to my assigned bodyguard giving me a death glare.

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