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After a few hours of the two being asleep, thuds were heard around the house. This woke Matthew fairly quickly, as he looked around, freaked out from the loud noises and moved slightly closer to the still passed out American. He heard someone approaching the room, and he started shaking, not wanting to get yelled at, but knew it was going to happen whether he liked it or not. He watched the door swing open, shaking more now and flinching away once he saw a livid Arthur there. Alfred moved slightly in his sleep, hugging the Canadian closer as he felt something wrong.

Then, the yelling, which caused Canada shake more violently, hyperventilating slightly. "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU TWO?!? When we came in to get you two, your nowhere to be seen!!" He shouted, getting a flinch from Matthew. "W-we heard you f-fighting and went out for a walk b-but got lost..." He was completely ignored, hurting him more then it seemed as he just hid his face in the tallers shirt. Canada heard someone else come in, and knew it was France, as he felt an annoyed glare on his back, causing him to hide more. As England was ranting on and on loudly, and Canada continued to breathe sporatically, America groaned quietly and moved again, hugging Canada protectively, opening his eyes slightly. "Wha..?" He asked, looking around, flinching as well as he saw two glares from the empires. He became confused, and narrowed his eyes defensively.

He started to sit up, gaining Matthew's attention who was relieved he was awake but just move closer, and in return America tightened his grip, not knowing of his strength, but Canada was immune to it. England seemed to get more agitated once noticing, and just bore holes into the colony, who narrowed his eyes more. "Look who's awake." The Brit grumbled, and America just sighed. "Mhm, now if you could stop yelling-" "STOP??! Why would I do that?! That has to be the dumbest-" Alfred growled quietly, looking down and changing his expression to a defensive glare. "Because it's getting nobody anywhere. I don't even know why you are." He said, and England only deepened his glare. "Why all of a sudden are you two acting so... Rebel like?" He growled, and America saw France nod, with a still annoyed expression. The American heard a small whimper come from the Canadian below him, and frowned once he saw Matthew shaking more. He tightened his grip even more, rubbing the smaller's back as he ignored the rest of the world for a minute, as he tried helping Canada calm down.

England was ranting on and on about their punishment, France had left after a while, and America was growing quite tired with the shouting, and Canada seemed to be getting worse. Alfred sighed silently, looked up at Arthur with a icey glare, and growled: "Stop yelling." The British nation paused, before emerald eyes bore into blue, and the empire let out a scoff. "Oh, what's going to happen if I don't?" The American sighed, looked down for a split second, running hand through Canada's hair, before back up at the island. "Nothing. Nothing to help you or me. Your yelling is pointless." This earned a huff from the elder, who turned away with a scowl. "What's pointless was you two running off to heaven knows where."  "Well, like... He said before, we got lost for a long time!" Matthew looked up, having a confused expression, to only get a shrug from the taller in response, as England left, annoyed and not wanting to do something stupid from being angry.

After he left, the American sighed, looking back down at Canada who was still staring at him confused. "Why'd you not use my name?" He asked, and Alfred hissed quietly and looked to the side. "I, uh, don't remember it.. and I didn't want to get it wrong so, just didn't use any name." He said, looking back down at the Canadian. Said colony furrowed his brows, looked down, before thinking that... This... Was temporary, or at least, that's what he hoped. Matthew just sighed and laid on the American, who was happy he didn't seem angry or whatever about it, as he too laid back down, hugging Canada still, before falling asleep from still being tired. Matthew felt himself smile a small bit to himself, getting closer to the southerner and falling asleep as well.

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