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The brothers in the darker void sighed, standing up.

"Well, great..." The American grumbled, "That time was... Not good but- not like any other would be either." Canada sighed, nodding along slightly. "Yeah.. only because of- everything happening.." This earned a tired "mhm" from the nation besides him, rubbing his eyes.

Canada rose an eyebrow at his twins' actions. "You seem tired." He pointed out, to get a mockingly surprised look. "Oh wow, maybe i am!" He enthused sarcastically, getting now a deadpan. "Well, you don't have to be a jerk about it."

America sighed, shaking his head and staring off into the distance. "I'm tired of this and in general and might be loosing my mind so sorry." Matthew didn't seem all that phased by the counteraction of words, and instead shrugged. "You could just get some sleep. Maybe get some coffee. I don't know." Alfred perked up immediately at  sound of coffee, and soon rushed away to get his needed drink, earning a slight laugh from the older.

Canada decided it's be best to get a drink as well, finding his brother chugging away at a freshly made pot, rolling his eyes. "Al your going to be bouncing of the walls at this point." He exasperated, earning a huff. "Hey, it's better then barely being conscious." Matthew just laughed again. "I didn't say it was a bad thing." This earned another, smaller now, huff.

Canada went over to the fridge, looking through it before seeing some left over pancakes, a smile playing onto him as he grabbed the plate. America watched, at first confused, but that all changed to an obvious indifference.

"You get on about me drinking coffee, yet constantly eat those." Alfred stated, folding his arms. This earned a face in return. "I don't "get onto you" about your coffee addiction, I just say that one day you will spontaneously combust or die in some way from being in your caffeine high state." America rolled his eyes to a comical degree after these, groaning loudly, "okaayyy moommmm", earning a snicker in return.

Matt went over to the microwave, setting the plate in there and turning it on. "Your so mean when your tired. I know you don't mean to be, but sheesh."

Alfred stared over at him for some time with dead eyes, sighing soon after. "Well. Tired. And it gets better if i get coffee. Y'all've told me this before."

Canada nodded, thinking. "Yeah, can't say your the best when you're tired... It's weird." America nodded, thinking about that too. He couldn't say he remembered anything of him being mean when tired, but this thing will show it sooner or later he assumed.

It was quiet for a few moments, the soft and mechanical humming from the microwave being the only noise. When it started to beep, America started to talk. "Y'know, i really don't think we're making this out sane."

Canada; slightly caught off guard, tilted his head. "Was there a chance we would or?-" America shook his head. "Not really i think. I think... I don't know.. but sanity is not an option." He shrugged, going to the fridge also and pulling out an apple — the first thing he saw.

Canada sighed tiredly, nodding silently. "Well. That's not surprising. We're already.. uh...-" "-Insane?" "Well yeah just wasn't gonna say it." The younger giggled quietly, walking over to the other. "Well, it's not like it's not obvious.. or maybe it's not actually and we're- we're just being weird or something." Canada rose an interested yet unamused eyebrow, grabbing the necessary items for his food. "That was a lot of double negatives." "English is hard dude, I'm trying." Canada rolled his eyes with a small smile, shaking his head.

"Wait, shouldn't it be your official?" America stared on at the other with a dumbfounded look. "Dude you should know i don't have an official." It was Matthew's turn to stare, before he sighed, starting to eat his food. "Well that makes sense for you. You do things weirdly." "hEY-"

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