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Hello my lovely readers,

In this story, our character Lydia is battling the trauma she faced at the hands of not one but two abusers. 

Men like this are all too common, and their apologists double by the minute. 

The truth is--no one knows what it's like to be a woman in this society, except for us. 

The ones who suffer in silence. 

The ones who deal with their trauma through writing about others getting the justice they should've received (women like this author right here).

The ones who can't cope with it at all and choose to end their lives because it is too much, and because no one believes them. 

I'm here to write these words out in hopes that someone sees this and realizes something from it:

You.  Are.  Not.  Alone. 

Maybe you'll find comfort in the fact that this hasn't only happened to just you, or maybe it'll make you feel miserable, but for me, it was a soothing balm. 

The fact that I wasn't alone in this suffering felt almost like a relief, that I could share the story with my best friend and she could understand--because it happened to her too. 

Just like her, and her, and her.  

And maybe even you. 

But one day, the hurt just seeps out of your bones like a slow working poison until all you're left with is the foggy memories and the realization that--

Oh, you weren't alone after all. 

You never were. 

So I've compiled a list of resources down below if you need the extra help. 

I wish someone would've told me all this 8 years ago, so maybe reading a story like this and finding it at the end will help someone else. 

I don't know. 

I just hope. 


You'll be okay. 

The fight is far from over, but we've got you, wherever you are in the world. 

I hope you feel my hand reaching through your phone or computer or tablet screen and squeezing yours just a bit.  

You're not alone.  We've got you.  

The National Sexual Assault Hotline:


CrossRoad's 24-hour Crisis Helpline:

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