Eclipse Lake (Probably)

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I know next week is Eda's Requiem, but I don't wanna wait 3 weeks for Lumity development, so have this


Amity walked the familiar route through the woods, she was very nervous

"Okay, just calm down. You just wanna talk with her, it's no big deal, just keep calm.."

Before she knew it, she was standing in front of the Owl House, immediately regretting her decision

"Nope, nope, too soon, I'm going home-"

Before she could turn around though, the front door opened. But instead of Luz, Eda stood there

"Oh, it's you, the Blight kid"

"Hello Eda, is Luz here? I wanted to talk to her.. about stuff"

"Smooth Amity, real smooth"

"Oh, sorry but she's not gonna be doing any talking. She's sick"

Amity gasped, a million thoughts rushing through her head at once

"What happened? Is she okay? Is it bad? Is she-"

Amity was silenced by Eda's finger

"Relax, it's just common mold. She's been so focused on getting that portal together she hasn't been sleeping

Honestly some rest will do her good"

Amity breathed a sigh of relief

"Well can I see her?"

"Sure, keep an eye on her for me, I gotta get her some medicine"

Amity nodded and walked in Eda closed the door behind her


Amity peeked into Luz's room to see the human still laying on her sleeping bag


"Oh.. hey Amity.."

Luz looked and sounded horrible, hoarse throat, messy hair, and a gross smelling bucket next to her

"What happened?"

"Well according to Eda common mold's been going around lately, guess I just got unlucky.. heh"

Her soft laughter turned into a coughing fit, Amity rushed over on instinct

"It sucks cuz I was gonna head over to Eclipse Lake today, there's an ingredient there I need for the portal.."

Amity looked down for a second, contemplating

"I can get it.."


"I'll go to Eclipse Lake for you and get the ingredient!"

"No, Amity you don't have to do that"

Luz sat up and grabbed Amity by the shoulder, causing Amity to blush a little

"Look Luz, I know how much you want to get home, and I wanna help. So please, just let me"

After a second of awkward silence, Luz spoke up

"Alright, but please be careful. I wouldn't want you getting hurt because of me"

"I won't, I promise"

This caused Luz to smile and blush, even while sick Amity still found a way to take her breath away


Amity finished getting packed for her trip, she knew this could be dangerous so she made sure to be prepared, Luz gave her a map of the area so she knew where to go

Before she left she went to say goodbye to Luz, only to find her asleep

Amity smiled, she was too cute

She walked over to the sleeping human and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead

"I'll be back Luz, I promise"

And with that, she was off

It's not like I sit up at night thinking about her (Lumity One Shots/Shorts)Where stories live. Discover now