power spheras 2

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At night, papa Zola wanted to go to the bathroom, unfortunately, he fell in front of the storeroom door, then he saw a dark figure with wings flew in front of him"W-who's there?!" Papa Zola said and trying to sound brave but he failed, "Show yourself in the face of JUSTICE!" suddenly, he saw a dark figure fly in front of him, he can't believe what he has seen so he rubs his eyes and he saw more things came out from the storeroom and he shouted" aaahhhh toyol" and scream like a girl then faints {and if you wanted to ask how papa Zola get to the storeroom while he wanted to go the bathroom so the answer is 'the storeroom is near with the bathroom so he will go through the storeroom then to the bathroom} 

 the next day...............when boboiboy was reading about power sphera, 'BEET, BEET, BEET' "huh?" said boboiboy while his watch shows that komander kokoci was calling him, he presses the button and shows kokomander kokoci by hologram "boboiboy come to the meeting room quickly," said kokoci "yes,komander" said boboiboy " boboiboy put down his book and quickly ran to the meeting room. when he got there he saw his friends(including ochobot and cactus with bellbot),captian kaizo, sai, shelda, Captian papa and laksamana .when he went into the meeting room, his friend except Yaya didn't even look at him, only Yaya smile at him and boboiboy smile back   "is everyone here?" asked laksamana tarung "yes, laksamana" said kokoci "ok, so captain papa Zola said that yesterday he saw some creatures went out from the storeroom and a person with wings flew away, so we think that there are intruders in tapops" said laksamana tarung "WHATTT!!!!!!" everybody shocked "how? tapops's security was made by high technology accessories if some intruders came it wouldn't have just informed us except .................." said kaizo "the intruders were experts or a strong opponent......" said sai and shelda while looking at each other "yeah, me and laksamana also think that, so I called all of you to check the station and I will split all of you into three groups, shelda, sai,captian kaizo will a group and they will check the storeroom  ;yaya, ying, gopal, fang will check the power shpera room , last boboiboy, ochobot, cactus and bellbot will check the security system okay?"said kokoci "ok comander said all of them .

in fang's group

"ok so now we need to check the power sphera room, right," asked Gopal "yes," said fang. when they arrived at the power sphera room "hi, boboi-eh" said motobot" oh, hi motobot" said fang's group "hi, is boboiboy here" ask emotibot "nope, why " said Ying "oh nothing "reply emotibot" oh okay" said Ying again "ok now back to the point, so does anybody came here last night" said fang. all the power sphera shocked and said "n-nope why did you a-ask" said loopbot nervously." oh but-" said fang "WE.S-SAID.NO-BODY.CAME.H-H-HERE, SO. PLEASE GO.B-BACK" said databot angrily while the other power spheres glaring at them"oh, okay, let's go guys" said Yaya"ehh, but we still ne-" said Gopal "shush "said Ying and they all just went out from the power sphera room.

at boboiboy team

while boboiboy is checking the security system," hey, boboiboy a-are you okay"ask ochobot " "oh, yes, why do you ask?" reply boboiboy "oh, nothing just ask" said ochobot "but why do u say like that yesterday, I heard that u said why does everyone needs leave you because of a mission, you know that's not true right,u still have me, Yaya, cactus,bellbot, and komander and the others just need time to forgive you, so please don't think like that. " thought ochobot worriedly  "ah, I found it" said boboiboy happily "what boboiboy" said ochobot "the records from yesterday night" reply boboiboy" oh, great "said ochobot happily "ok let's go ochobot , cactus" said boboiboy 

when all of the team gathered, "do any of you found something, boboiboy?" ask komander "yes laksamana, I  found the records from yesterday night"reply boboiboy "okay, I'll play it later with captain kaizo and the other agents, fang?" said komander "no komander, but we think that all of the power spheras was hiding something from us so we think they're a little sus {is this among us???} "huh,why did u think like that"ask komander curiously "cuz when we ask them about somebody came here last night,they just replied nervously like they were hiding something from us."said fang"ok,I'll discuss with laksamana later,captain kaizo ?""we just found a black feather komander"replied kaizo "huh,feather?" everyone except sai,shelda and captain kaizo."yes,in the first place I thought it was a bird's feather but it's to big for a bird so i think it's a kind of a creature or the intruder's feather"said kaizo"ok,I'll will send it to the science lab,thanks for the help ,u all can eat your breakfast now well except kaizo cuz u need to watch the video with me and laksamana "said komander"yes ,komander!"said all of them "yay food!!!"said gopal "haish,budak ni" they continued to joking around but they didn't know boboiboy was watching them all along and someone knows whats boboiboy is thinking. And so all of them went out of the meeting room

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