Chapter 21 ~ Pre-Date

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*With Dixie*

Dixie: *goes downstairs into the kitchen to get food*

*Marc, Heidi and Charli enter the kitchen*

Heidi: Where were you this morning?

Dixie: In my room

Heidi: Dont lie to us, WHERE WERE YOU?!

Dixie: *covers her ears and uncovers it when Heidi finishes yelling* Not that its any of yall business but i went to see the doctor today *takes a can of sausage and pack of crix with a plate, goes to her room and locks the door. She empties the sausage and some crix into a plate and gets into bed*

*Dixie calls Noah*

Noah: Whats up babygirl? U good?

Dixie: Im more than good, im fantastic. Today is the best day of my life, first i found out that amazing news then i am going on a date with someone i care about for the first time

Noah: Is this your first date?

Dixie: Yep and im glad i get to spend it wuth you

Noah: Your so fucking cute, did you eat?

Dixie: Im going go, i called you to show you what im eating *shows Noah her crix and sausage*

Noah: Wow gorgeous, im glad to see you eating a proper meal without me having to tell you too

Dixie: *talking softly so no one but Noah can hear her* I have to eat often now so that baby Beck is healthy *puts her hand on her stomach, watches Noah and smiles* I cant wait for him/her to born

Noah: I know *talks softly* Our family is just slowly starting off, we stil have a lot of things to do for it to be perfect when baby Beck is born

Dixie: *smiles* What you doing

Noah: Before you called, i was planning our date so i should go and actually set it up now. I will call you when i reach by the steeet again ok

Dixie: Yes, bye handsome

Noah: Bye beautiful

*They hang up. Noah starts setting up the date. Its a few hours later, Noah just finished setting up, goes home and ready. After finish readying, he leaves and arrives at the spot he met Dixie earlier*

*Noah facetimes Dixie*

Dixie: Heyy

Noah: I know that im early but are you ready? I was thinking we could go for a drive before our date

Dixie: Im almost done, i only have to put on my makeup now which takes about half an hour

Noah: Dix, you are gorgeous with and without makeup so how about today you go natural, no makeup

Dixie: Its our first date Noah, i need to look good

Noah: So are you calling me blind because the girl that im seeing right now is the most gorgeous that i have ever seen in my life and she isnt even wearing makeup

Dixie: You think im pretty but others dont Noah, they think im ugly

Noah: Please, no makeup today......for me

Dixie: Ughh fine. I am leaving now

Noah: Ok

*they end the call. Dixie walks downstairs to leave but every one is in the living room watching a movie. Marc quickly got up before Dixie can leave the house and blocked the doorway*

Marc: Where do you think you are going?

Dixie: To Amelies house

Marc: Dont lie, you never go to Amelie house all dressed up like this

Dixie: We dont have any sort of relationship so why are you all up in my business. Get out of the roadway and let me leave

Heidi: Just answer the question Dixie

*Dixie phone rings and its Noah calling her*

Marc: Who is calling you

Dixie: I dont know

Marc: *snatches her phone from her hand and sees someone named 'Handsome❤🥵'* Answer the call, i want to see who it is!!

Dixie: *scared Marc hurts her so she answers the call but with the phone facing her only* Parent alert

*By hearing parent alert, Noah quickly turned his camera and mic off and just listened to what was happening at Dixies home*

Heidi: What is parent alert?

Charli: Its what you say to someone on a call when you dont want your parents to know who they are so the other person basically makes himself/herself unknown

Marc: *looks at Dixie* You fucking bitch *pushes her on the ground and kicks her legs*

Dixie: *scared* Please dont hurt me

Marc: Oh i wont, i dont even want to see your face anymore *kicks her arm and back* Toodles *smiles evily and walks out*

Heidi/Charli: *follows Marc into Marcs room*

*with Dixie*

Dixie: *in pain* *looks at her phone where Noah can see her* Im coming, just give me a few minutes

Noah: I will meet you halfway, come now

*Dixie leaves in pain and Noah meets her as she walks out her yard. He picks her up like a baby, places in her the passenger seat, closes her door and gets into his side*

Noah: It hurt alot doesnt it

Dixie: A bit but lets get going with our drive

Noah: You sure, did he hit your stomach?

Dixie: No he didnt

Noah: Thank god *starts the car*

Dixie: Kissy?

Noah: We are going to have a baby in a couple of months so i think you need to leave the baby talk to baby Beck only *kisses her*

Dixie: *kisses back and pulls away* Yeah now lets get this evening started

Noah: *chuckles and starts driving* Seatbelt babygirl

Dixie: Crap *puts the seatbelt on*

Noah: Soon we will have a third person with us in this car *smiles*

Dixie: Yes but then i wont be able to sit up infront with you anymore

Noah: Who said that?

Dixie: me, who will take care of baby Beck in the back there then

Noah: Baby Beck is coming the middle seat facing forwards so we can see him/her at all times and not change our seating arrangement

Dixie: I love how you already planned out everything

Noah: I had too, i couldnt let you take all the stress

Dixie: Noah, you planned the date where paparrazi wont find us right?

Noah: Yes Dix

*They drive around for a while then Noah drives to the date spot*

Word Count: 1034words
Its getting better yall

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