Chapter 33 ~ Our Baby

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*The next morning at 6:18am. Curtis left last night before their break up*

*With Dixie*

Dixie: *wakes up* Mor- Fuck it wasnt a dream *rubs her eyes* *Thinking: How did i fall asleep without him? Its probably baby Beck making me sleepy* *looks down at her stomach, places her hand on it and smiles* You made mommy sleepy to ignore the present didnt you baby *smiles* Thank you, you did an amazing job but baby, mommy and daddy are no longer together. I ruined everything for you and im so sorry for that *closes her eyes and cries herself back to sleep*

*With Noah*

Noah: *wakes up* Go- Shit! *goes on his phone and scrolls through tik tok while thinking about their broke up*

*Two hours later, Dixie and Noah gets up and freshens up. Noah goes down to the kitchen then 2 minutes later Dixie goes down to the kitchen*

Dixie: *enters the kitchen and sees Noah so she starts walking into the living room*

Noah: *sees Dixie* Morning, you can come in the kitchen at the same time with me *says while making eggs*

Dixie: *enters back the kitchen* Morning *says in a really low voice* *goes to the fridge, pours herself a glass of milk and takes a pack of mini M&Ms and sits by the table in the kitchen*

Noah: *sees what she takes to eat* You need to eat actual food Dixie

Dixie: *ignores him and starts eating the M&Ms*

Noah: *toasts two slice of bread for her, butters it, puts it on a plate and places it infront of her on the table* Eat it

Dixie: *pushes the plate away*

Noah: *moves the plate back closer to her* You are not a little kid Dixie, drop the M&Ms and eat this instead

Dixie: *ignores him again*

Noah: Look i know this is hard on you and believe me its hard on me as well but if not for me, eat it for our baby

Dixie: *speaking in a very low voice* Right our baby. When i give birth, you will get to see him/her so dont worry. I dont think we will be living in the same house when he/she is born so you can come see him/her until he/she is able to spend alot of time without needing milk because i will not be feeding my child formula

Noah: Stop acting like a fucking brat and eat the food Dixie

Dixie: Im sorry im a brat Noah *leaves and goes into Doahs bedroom and locks the door*

Noah: *puts her food into the microwave, finishes making his food and starts eating until he sees Dixie coming downstairs* Where are you going?

Dixie: *ignores him and is walking to the front door*

Noah: *gets off his seat and blocks the front door* I asked where are yoi going Dixie

Dixie: Its none of you business Noah

Noah: Hurry up and speak else im not moving from here

Dixie: Noah, get out of my way else i will be late!

Noah: Well im sure you would rather be late than tell me where you are going right?

Dixie: Not that its any of you business but my doctor called this morning saying i have a check up today for my baby so im going

Noah: *moves out of her way* Wow Dixie. Your baby? I cant believe you right now *runs up to the guest room, slams the door and cries into his pillow*

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