Chapter 43

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Dixie: Can i tell you something?

Noah: Of course babygirl *playing with her hair*

Dixie: When you broke up with me, i felt like i had no reason to live, like non at all but then i rememberred that i am pregnant with our baby so i put aside all of my negative thoughts and only wanted the best for our baby. Thank you for getting me pregnant, you basically saved my life by getting me pregnant

Noah: I also basically made you end it, didnt i

Dixie: *looks into his eyes* I made you feel worthless when i called our baby my baby

Noah: Its fine, it happens in fights

Dixie: Nappy time

Noah: Ok lets go *starts to get up with Dixie still on his lap*

Dixie: *baby voice* Noooo we nappy right here, just like this

Noah: Ok baby *leans back with Dixie on his lap, pulls her head on his chest and plays with her hair* Go sleep bub

*Dixie and Noah fall alseep*

*Its a few hours later, 2pm and Dixie phone rings*

Noah: *wakes up* Bubba your phone is ringing

Dixie: *wakes up and checks her phone* Its Avani facetiming, should i answer?

Noah: Yes

Dixie: Ok but im not moving from here

Noah: You dont have to

*Dixie answers the call and its angled where Avani can see Dixie on Noahs chest and part of Noahs face*

Dixie: Heyy Vani

Avani: Hi Noah, just calling to check up on you. Can you stop ignoring my calls

Noah: I met you because of Dixie so if you are not speaking to Dixie then i dont think it is right for me to be speaking to you

Avani: So what if we met because of Dixie, she is not an important person in any of our lives anymore so its ok for us to speak

Dixie: *feels broken*

Noah: Not important to any if us?

Avani: Yes, you heard me. You very well know that you hate her since she chose to date Griffin

Noah: Its impossible for me to hate Dixie

Avani: Just because she is your baby momma doesnt mean that you cant hate her Noah. She is an irrelevant person in mine and your life so stop acting as if she is important

Noah: She is my fucking girlfriend for gods sake

Avani: What?

Noah: She. Is. My. Girlfriend!!

Avani: Holy crap. Is she still with you?

Noah: Yes, she has been here the whole time

Avani: Dixie, Dix, im really sorry. Please forgive me

Dixie: I dont want any fake people in my life

Avani: I am not fake Dix, i love you

Dixie: So you love an irrelevant human?

Avani: I said it because it was true at that time

Dixie: So im irrelevant to you and Noah? Is that what you are saying?

Noah: Baby, i really hope that you know that you are the most and will always be the most important person in my life. When baby Beck is born, both of you will be the most important people in my life so dont take what she said to heart. I love you with everything in me and would do anything for you

Dixie: Awww babe, i know that you love me and i love you too but *looks at Avani on the phone* I dont think i will forgive you anytime soon

Avani: Dix please forgive me, im sorry

Dixie: Here we go with the same fucking word as always

Avani: What word?

Dixie: *digs her head in Noah chest while still sitting on his lap* Baby, i dont want to hear that word again. I hate that word. Please make it stop

Noah: *plays with her hair* Can i say it one time so she would know what word you are speaking about?

Dixie: Only one time tho

Noah: Avani, dont ever say the word 'forgive' or any tense with that word around Dixie

Avani: Forgive is just a normal word

Dixie: Noah, its hurting my ears

*Noah ends the call with Avani*

Noah: Calm down babygirl, i ended the call

Dixie: Why cant i be a normal person? Avani is right, its just a normal word so why does it hurt my ears when people use it?

Noah: Because its a hard time for you so you tend to feel like the only thing people want from you is that

Dixie: I am hungry

*Without any questions, Noah picks Dixie up with her on his lap, holds her, walks into the kitchen. He places her on the counter and heats up her food for her then walks back over to her with it. He sits on the counter next to her with the food in his hand and turns his entire body to face her*

Dixie: When baby Beck is born, i am going to definetely miss all this attention i am getting now

Noah: *after she was done talking, he puts a fork full of noodles in her mouth before she closes her mouth* I will never stop giving you attention

Dixie: *chews and swallows her food withoit any problem* But i wont get the same amount of attention

Noah: *rubs her cheek* Very good babygirl, you ate that without any kind of hesitation *smiles and moves his hand from her cheek* I promise you that i will try my very best to give you all the attention that i could

Dixie: Babies are a huge responsibility. I hope we can manage to keep up with our day to day life when baby Beck is born

Noah: We will be able to. Eat up

*Noah feeds Dixie and Dixie feeds him. They are now laying on bed, cuddling, watching Greys Anatomy*

Dixie: *pauses the show* Bubba?

Noah: Yes baby?

Dixie: Can we invite our friends over after school tomorrow and just relax with them?

Noah: That sounds like a plan to me

Dixie: Thanks bub

Noah: And Dix baby, you do not need to ask me if you can invite people over here or use the car or anything because whatever is mine is yours. You really hurt my feelings when you said that you might end up homeless if you do not listen to me because that is really not true and i saw the hurt in your eyes when you said that

Dixie: I am sorry but we were not exactly on good terms and i was scared that you would hurt me

Noah: Do not ever be afraid of me baygirl, i may be angry with you at times but i will never hurt you

Dixie: *smiles and kisses his head since his head is ontop of her chest* Can we go for a drive

Noah: What if paparazzi spots our vehicle and sees us?

Dixie: I dont care. Pweaseeeee *🥺*

Noah: Ughhh that face. Lets go

*Dixie and Noah goes in the car and starts driving. Noah is driving and Dixie is in the passenger seat*

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