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I drove the short distance over without crashing my vehicle, HAH take that Blake!

"Ems cmon make room for the giant." My leg was bouncing uncontrollably fast.

I heard some of my laundry getting thrown around with some trash. God I really should do my laundry soon haha, ehhh I'll just use up all the stuff in my closet then do a really big load....

As I was wondering through my world of laundry our expected guest came knocking on my window. "What? Get in." The dude was just standing there. "Uh the door.." what? "It's locked silly." Oh. OH. Well that's embarrassing hahahahah ha "O-okay uh I just unlocked it now so please." I said gesturing to the back seat. I could hear his little chuckles and suddenly I wished we actually DID crash, ohoho he would feel SOOOO guilty. It's almost too good.

"Alright, don't we have places to be love?" All I did was give the man a simple glare and started driving towards the ass's house.

I'm really dreading this, I don't even drink? Nor do I have the want to play any intimate games. For Em.

I decided to park my car a lil bits away from where the party was taking place. I don't need my car to be the victim of an attempted robbery or hookup.

As we step out of the car I couldn't take my eyes off of Jacks house....it was a wreck. The house like JUST the house looked fine, dare I say it would look nice? But the lawn screwed it over, the open door waiting for anyone to walk in made it look like a drug house. And there were strobe lights coming out of the windows. It just looked like a really really trashy club.

When I finally got out of my thoughts I turned my face to Em, and unlike me she had this spark of excitement in her eye. "Anne, this...this right here? Is going to be a mess." She said. That didn't sound too good, but when I looked at her she was all smile. It was very creepy...
She was right though.
This was going to be a mess.

I couldn't help but let a long heavy sigh out "You alright luv?" Blake was now petting my head and actually seemed a bit worried? It was nice. "Im okay giant, stop that now. Let's go. And Em please don't get too crazy." Tsk like that was a thing.

When we walked into Jacks house we were greeted by the smell of liquor and actually Jack himself? "Heyyyyy EHMMM...." great hes already drunk. "Great place Jack!" Em was shouting over the music the most ridiculous thing. Em was complimenting this place?! How could you even see the interior? There were way to many people in this house.

Blake, the leader he is, lead us to the kitchen. There were solo cups everywhere, the music pounded through my ears. Em was talking to a buddy of hers while me and Blake just stood there, I was browsing a bit on my phone but got bored of that quickly.

"Hey Em—," when I turned to talk to her she was gone. We've been here for only a couple minutes and she's off already?

Now it was just me and Blake. What was Blake doing this whole time? When I looked up to see all I saw were his eyes staring directly at me. "Ya know this party is totally lame? I don't favor parties much but I know what a good one is, and this isn't it." He sounded bored. "I don't uh ya know favor parties either." I said. I was trying to make conversation.
"I know." He knew huh.
It was silent after that. His eyes never left me. I hated and loved the attention.

I decided.

I needed a drink.
This was too awkward for my liking. I hated alcohol but it loosened me up and right now I feel like Blake's eyes are just tying a tough rope around me.

MOVING ALONG🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

       The feeling was excruciatingly fantastic, sure I felt a numbness coming on but I didn't think much of it. I was dancing. Having fun. It was almost impossible to not bump into another human.

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