21 0 0

I woke up and just layed  there. I wasn't mentally prepared to get up. I don't know if it was the fact I've never felt so dull, so lifeless, so cold, so easily violated, but the thought of skipping never left my mind as I got ready.

The only thing keeping me going? My need to show those people, to show Blake, that I was indeed going to make it.
To show myself, I was alright.

I put on my shoes and made my way to school. I walked at a slow pace, as if I had weights around my ankles. Which if we are talking metaphorically, I do. The stress of that nights events had most definitely put some weights on my eyes, my bags were absolutely atrocious.

As I am coming closer to the school I'm extremely nervous. I see others kids flooding in the entrance doors, i join into the walk making my way to my locker.

As I grab my needed materials Emily awkwardly pushes up against me. "What the hell Em? Off please?" I pushed her body off of me. "Anne,,,, Im sorry." She looked terribly sorry but I couldn't possibly forgive so quick. I'm such a pushover though it probably won't take much time. "You left me Em. And well I'm sure you heard what happened. I don't really wanna think of it please, let me go to class now." I spoke so quick I'm surprised I didn't mess up my speech. I think If I spoke to her one more second long I might've slipped a couple hundred tears.

"ANA!" Oh my god. Really right now? I heard his voice loud in my right ear going out the left. Jack. Jack. Jack. I quickly swung my heals in his direction turning to look at the boy jogging up to me. "Hey beau-" before he could finish his sentence Blake popped up out of nowhere with hands ready to punch some lil Bétch.

"Woah woah, hey Blake I'm really sorry but I would like to have a civilized convo with miss Anne over here." His smile faltered a bit as Blake didn't budge from my side. Safety was something I had never felt so securely but right then, right there, I felt something of the sort.

"Jack, what do you want?" I couldn't keep the little waver in my voice silent. "I wanted to apologize Ana, I've always liked you and yesterday I just got a little carried away expressing that, I wasn't sober." Um is he really blaming this on his feelings for me? Am I supposed to be flattered or some shit?
"Jack listen now." I took a deep breath in "I don't like you, I think your behavior is disgusting, you creep me out, you quite literally struck some trauma cord because I feel sick just looking at you, alcohol, even the clothes I wore to your boring ass party." I wasn't going to cry, not yet.

"I could report you and I will if I ever feel like messing up your whole fucking life. Rot."

His face was a mix of emotions, anger, sadness and most of all, fear.

I could see out the corner of my eye Blake smiling like a dummy. I'm the one who won why you acting like you did too? I walked away from Jake, Blake right beside me as I do so. We walk into class and to my surprise he sits right next to me. "You okay? You never texted me." That last part had some authority in it. "I'm okay and yes I'm sorry about that, I could barely think let alone remember to text you." He gave me one last look before writing something down on a piece of paper.

As he slid the piece of paper to me I questioned his actions.

The paper read 'Aug 15, Minthyle Mall, 1:00 pm'

Uhhhh what? I looked up at him with some major confusion "we're going to hang out, shop, and make you feel a lil bits better." He said, stern but nicely. I couldn't stop myself from going wide eyed, the tears were about to flood in but thank god I got some strong flood gates, I'm in control. "Okay." I said softly. I heard him chuckle lightly "Alright then." He was smiling and I couldn't help but smile back.


OKAY WOW I KINDA LIKE THIS CHAPTERS END. school has me incredibly busy and I am struggling with my grades so the publishing schedule is not a-okay rn 😅 But I'm trying my best babes! I hope you all had a great Thanksgivings if you do celebrate and I hope you all have a good Christmas break! Mine starts in a week and I just can't wait!!
Much love!- MOOMOO

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