New beginnings..

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Birds chirping..
Windows down..
wind blowing..
Hasty but slow movements to indicate a busy day has begun.. if you were careful with your smelling sense you could smell morning coffee and pancakes..

" Bye Mom.. "

Kids running down their front doors..
Ahhh...! Who doesn't love mornings?
I fumbled with my keys after packing my old baby girl.. the silver Audi..
I swiped my card and pushed the door open bringing the familiar ringing .. I looked up at the bells I   hunged last fall so that when people come in I'd know..
I smiled..
I took a long breath...

" Yep.. I missed you too " I shouted going over the kitchen I threw my purse over the table
I heard the ding by the door
I popped my head through the kitchen window..

Fat... moustouche,  black sleeked back hair tied up in a ponytail
And a wide grin
I laughed

" Thought it was you.." I said

" Ayee.. best worker eh" he said .

" You betcha " I smiled not missing the hint of his Italian accent as he spoke.
Giovanni was my chef..

That's so fancy

Okay cook.. he's my cook...
he's the best around ..and sometimes I help him out
He quickly walked to the locker room and came back in his white chef outfit he always insisted on wearing..
I stood up smiled as the rest of the stuff started coming in shooting me warm smiles exchanging pleasantries... Soon everyone was dressed up and I turned the open sign.. people started pouring in..
That was lot of people..
We sure gonna need lots of hands today..
I smiled knowing people missed us .. I closed the place for four days when I visited Miami..

Not a vacation..

I stood there hands on my hips frowning..
One person was missing

" Bellaaa..."

Bells chimed..
All heads turned..
I rolled my eyes
Yep... She was here
I used all my courage to master a glare at her.. in sweats and tee

Seriously.. we spoke about this

I walked to the kitchen..
I closed my eyes to calm self.. or to prevent myself from laughing
When I opened them she was near..

" Hola "

There.. that feminine heavy accented voice I always die for.. laced with hint of Spanish..
I turned to already find my best friend jumping on me..
Well a lot has changed over the past year..

Well a year and months...

Like I lived in Virginia now..well a small town in Virginia. It's literally small.. where everyone knows everyone. Everyone knew me.. I was called Isabelle Turner now..

So much for hiding my identity Ahmed.. I'm thanksfull..not

well everyone loved the girl who feed the town .
In the past year I suffered alot.. I had lost a lot in a blink of an eye..
If I knew I was never gonna see Naseer again I'd have begged more that day..
But oh well
Things took a pretty messed up turn.
I never saw Naseer again.. Jafar told me he was a soldier in training ..well that was six... Seven..ish.. months ago.
I waited...
I waited him to come back. But I recall the day he came back it was midnight..
I was asleep .. but I woke up to arguments when I walked to our small living room I saw my brother who I had not seen for many months he looked build up.. and dangerously tall..
Or was it just me..
Nop.. all him
He was arguing with Jafar.. I was so scared I'd loose him again.
He turned to look at me..

" Don't cry it's nothing" Jafar said

I didn't Know I was crying

" I missed you" I told Naseer
He sighed.

" I'll be back soon.." he said and left the same night..

That night .. after so many months.. I cried again.
It was worth it because he never showed up again.

' he's in like.. special forces.. it's not easy to see him...' Jafar told me four months ago..

One call away huh?!

Now I was strong.. head up girl.. thanks to Cami .. I'm successful and I've overcome the trauma ..


I never replaced Ilham.. I never Will.. that's why I named my diner after her

" Besty's  diner"

Apparently using her actual name would be dangerous.
Thank you Jafar..
And it was really growing.. soon it would be a full blown restaurant.
After we moved here it took a long time to move on .. I took therapy and all ..
That's where Camillá comes in.
I met her in a yoga class and we immediately clicked.
I just found myself talking to her. ..
She knew everything about me.. so she helped me cope.
She reminded me of Ilham alot.. which sometimes I called her. At first she was offended but now she just lets it pass. Well not everything she is reminds me of Ilham
She can't cook... ANYTHING!
So she's a very useful waitress..
I loved to call her hotshot..well
She was short and very  hot. She was well curved spoke alot.. and a  very high sprit

" Let's get serving motherfucker..." She shouted

Yep very high spirited

" Cami keep it low .. there are children out there" I playfully glared

" Oops... Sorry boss.." she winked
I chuckled.

There was something about her voice that caught attention each time she spoke. It was like it was gonna dry..

" Bella.." she shouted

I held the bridge of my nose sighing

" You're late Camillà" I said

" I'm sorry car broke down.." she pleaded

I rolled my eyes tying my apron

" You don't have a car Cami"
She pouted..

" My bike..?"

I chuckled " just get to work."

She smiled" yes ma'am.."

I shook my head looking at her disappearing in the changing room. She came back in her beautiful waitress uniform..

See... Curves..

" How was Bahamas.." I asked knowing she visited Bahamas for the weekend

She smiled..

" Lots of hot guys.." she said .
I stuck my tongue out ...

" Craig would love that" I said.
She glared at me

I laughed

" Anyways.. tell me about  Miami.." she waggled her brows suggestively..

" It was not a vacation" I said
She laughed..

God she has a terrible laugh

" Okay.. so what happened?" She asked

I looked away.. but I'm sure the small crimson by my cheeks gave away.

" Nothing"

" Doesn't look like nuthin to me"

she said as soon as there was another ding by the door

" Definitely not nuthin" she added

Which made me look by the kitchen window.. as I saw him get in straight away his gaze caught mine..he smiled. ..
I turned to find Camillá's  rose brow and a grin.
Well.... Like I said a lot has happened. ..

" tú  niña traviesa .." Camillá laughed

🥂To new beginnings..
Hit that 🌟

Iloveya'll ♥️

My Twisted MafiaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora