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It was the sounds of beeping and strong chemicals that woke him..
He downed in disgust, his room never smelt like that.. and what the hell was the beeping about.
In attempt to open his heavy eyelids bright light hurt his eyes he cursed as He felt a strong headache..
He massaged his temples, then tried an attempt in sitting.
Another sharp pain run from his side like someone broke his rib. Another sting by his shoulder.
He took in the environment he was in.
Green curtains, white walls

What the hell I'm I doing in a hospital?

He remembered being at his home last.. surely he was at home

" Fuck..!" He cursed finally sitting.

"That's not nice"

He snapped his head to the source of the voice

He then sighed.. " why I'm In a hospital Mr Abduraj.."

The minister semi glared at him " I should be asking you that Ahmed.."

Ahmed frowned " I was at home..

" Would you rather bleed to death on your kitchen floor?"

A wave of nostalgia hit Ahmed

" I didn't think I'd pass out.."  he said boredly

" Ahmed is you're life a joke to you ?"

Ahmed shrugged.. " why?"

" Why didn't you go to the hospital after you got hurt and where the hell did you get those deadly injuries..?"

" Going to the hospital would just make me confess I killed a guy, so..." He trailed off as if it wasn't a big deal..

" You killed a ma--....what..Ahmed!!!"

" Can you calm down.. we are not trying to attract CIA here are we..?!"

Abduraj huffed.. " you are so annoying sometimes.."

" Thank you.."Ahmed said dripping sarcasm

"Did you kill him for pleasure..?"

Ahmed glared at him " I'm not a psycho.."

Abduraj shrugged" one can never tell.."

Ahmed rub his temples once more.. " I need some Tylenol or freaking long have I been off?"

"Fifteen hours.. you lost a huge amount of blood.. must be the reason for the headache.."

Abduraj walked out when he came back he had a doctor who examined Ahmed his shoulder was wrapped in bandage.. so was his torso..his knuckles had bandage too..
He was given some pain killers then the doctor left

" Some guy found out what I was doing.. he got so demanding.. wanted a chopper and some billions.. when I said no he pulled the trigger and you know the rest..." Ahmed spoke very calmly

" No.. I don't..." Abduraj folded his arms glaring at him

" He shot me couple of times and I got angry... I didn't think he'd die so soon..."Ahmed rolled his eyes.." honestly it was few punches.. "

" Still you put your life in danger by even letting him know what you are up to.."

" It's worth it..I was just after finding all the codes for Sabri's accounts.. " he smiled

" You can't shift anything while you're still in the country Ahzar.. it's dangerous" the minister said

Ahmed sighed.." that's not all.. I may have also found the mafia isn't the only source of income for the bastard..we gonna need all his money to pull him down.."

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