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'Hmm..I should know since I have saved you'

He said with a shrug,then pocketed his hands and started walking away

I watched him go ..for a minute..then a sudden fear crept my head ..

What if he haunts me..?

I shivered before running towards him..
and I think he might have felt that ,
that is why he suddenly halted and I the clumsy I ,bumped on his back and I lost balance and on the ground..
I winced a little then looked up at him with teared eyes

"I'm sorry"I didn't know what I was apologizing for but I still did it

He tilted his head

"that you fell on the ground"he asked puzzled

I nodded...
After realizing how stupid that sounds I quickly covered it up

"And answering you sorry,just take me home please.."I almost cried

He smiled..and I wished I had similar smiles..then he squat to my level since I was still on the ground

"Listen princess...I deserve rude  answer sometimes,I don't mind.."

But I cut him off..I knew how painful it was when someone gave you a rude answer

"no one deserves a rude answers"

He smiled again,and I made a mental note to make a friend in him maybe since I didn't have many of those

"For an eighth years old ,you do sound damn grown up"

I looked's not like I could even look at people in their faces..
and what can I say..
life has forced us to grow up so fast..
He got up and offered me  his hand..

"Take my hand princess.."

I contemplated ,looking between him and his hand..and he once more gave his signature smile

"When I hold on to someone...I just don't let go"..

he said and I smiled back..maybe I can have friends,I gave him my hand and he pulled me up..

"let us go mia cara"  he said still holding on to my hand.

I wore a puzzled look..when he saw I was not moving he turned to me

"Mi...mi..what?"I asked

He chuckled.."it's Italian.."

I gave him a blank stare.."I'm I also supposed to know that.."

He chuckled again.."you know,you are really funny where were you all my life"he said suppressing a laugh..

but after staring at me it clicked in his head and he gave a gasp..I might as well add a dramatic gasp

"You are serious.."

I just shrugged and started walking..I mean you don't just learn Italian anywhere

"Well're in luck..because you have met someone who knows about twenty languages, of course and let's not forget how handsome he is"he smirked

I frantically looked around..then back at him with a frown..


This time he really did gasp..

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