12. Stranger

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"...we can't thank you enough, Your Majesty, Your Highness." Says the middle-aged, chubby woman as she bows numerously and it's taking everything in me to not just send her out already.

It's been like this the whole day, villagers trooping in with gifts and endless words of gratitude, all because the expansion of lands had done more than they had expected. Produce had multiplied and livestock thrived, and harvest was a big success, but I wish they would spare me the endless words of gratitude.

They're grateful, I get it.

But they were getting carried away... weren't they?

I turn to Melissa and she still looks happier than ever, conversing with the lady with a bright, unwavering smile. It's still a wonder to me how she gets so attached and emotional with them.

She's been hearing matters with me for a month now and it seemed like the villagers were increasing with each passing day, trooping in with requests and gratitude or gifts which Melissa always turned away.

Most times she would recognise some of them and rush to hug them without a second thought and as much as the whole charade feels weird and unfamiliar, I can't help but observe the change in the villagers' behaviour towards the castle. The look of fear seemed to turn to relief whenever they walked in and spotted her with me.

"Your Majesty?" Melissa calls out and I turn to her snapping out of my thoughts as her curios, big blue eyes observe me.


"Helen says the people have been thinking of setting up a trade fair with other kingdoms. They believe they would profit very well from it if they trade in the extra produce for things they need." She says and I turn to Helen now, who appears to cower a bit at my gaze.

"A trade fair?"

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty. We--"

"And what kind of things do you need that you have to organise a trade fair for it?" I ask her and her fingers meet together as he toys with them anxiously.

"I... Well... The blacksmith c-could use some extra t-tools and... Umm..." Her gaze drops to her feet as she struggles to find the words.

"They could also make a lot of money selling it, regardless of the things they get in exchange." Melissa interjects impatiently and I to turn to her. Her big, blue eyes are pleading with me, begging me to understand and again, I wonder how she relates so easily to them.

"They wanted extra lands, I gave them that. Now they're getting the benefits and they want to trade?"

"The other kingdoms might want to trade too. At least give them a chance?" she pushes but I still want to refuse.

I should refuse.

But I know she's right. With the trade fair, the kingdom would flourish and it might build a stronger relationship between kingdoms. Plus, it'll give her the chance to be really involved with the people for a while...something I suspect she needs.

"All I'm giving is my permission, but I don't want to have any part in this. If it's going to happen, you're going to be in charge."

And then there's that smile.

"Thank you," she says before turning to Helen, "We'll begin planning next week." She says to Helen who no longer has the fearful look.

"I'm eternally grateful Your Highness, Your Majesty." She says and bows again before scurrying out in excitement.

"Please tell me that's the last of them." I say, turning to Felipe just as the doors burst open and Catherine rushes in.

"YOUR MAJESTIES, PLEASE!!! RELEASE MY BOY! RELEASE RUPERT!" She wails, rushing towards us just as guards surround her, stopping her.

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