Chapter Five-"Fair Game and Free Phone"

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"You may go," Mrs. Hayes permitted after detention. I, Mickie, and the others immediately exited, but I noticed that she was the only one that had someone waiting for her against the room's doorway; of course it was Dastan.

"Wasted time of my life," Mickie complained.

"I could say the same, but..." Dastan trailed off. Still somewhat maddened that I had received detention, I quickly walked past them, hugging my binder to my chest. "Warden! There's a pep rally tomorrow morning. You better be there."

Yeah, freaking, right.

I continued walking down the hallway and someone caught my arm slightly before I found the dark-haired friend of Dastan's jumping in front of me. Only, today his eyes were clear and his hair wasn't spiked up.

"Hey," he greeted. "I didn't take you for the girl to have detention; especially on your second day."

"That's because I'm not," I grumbled, walking past him. I wasn't in the mood to talk, seeing as my perfect disciplinary record was ruined by some jerk and his tramp.

"Hayden!" someone yelled. I'm guessing that was the guy that stopped me, because I recognized the voice to be Mickie's. Well at least he was off my I thought.

"Wait!" Hayden called to me, jumping back in front of me. This time, I had to stop walking. I looked up to him. "Can I give you a ride home?"

"What makes you think my brother doesn't have that covered?" I asked. And what makes you think I trust you so easily? He searched my eyes.

"Because we both know that you didn't confess about your detention," he spoke.

"I could call him now," I lied.

"We both also know you don't have a phone," he whispered. Hayden was being...odd. In school, he was just like Dastan—only his composure was mean and worse. And where Dastan was a jerk to everyone excluding his friends and teachers, Hayden was a jerk to...well, everyone. Except for me apparently? I was surprised his and Dastan's bad attitudes didn't clash with each other. But with a smile like his beaming up at me, it was hard to believe that he could seemingly hate so many people in the first place. "Come on. It's just a ride home."

"I'll be fine walking; it's only a mile or so," I said, humbly.

"I don't think so," a new voice said. Dastan.

"Calm down," Hayden told him. "I'm giving her a ride home."

"No you're not," Dastan ordered with Mickie a few feet behind.

"He can if he wants—"

"Don't you have a boyfriend to drive you places or something?" Dastan snapped at me. I scoffed at them both.

"Speaking of which..." Mickie muttered, pulling on Dastan's arm again. He silenced her while still looking at me and Hayden.

"Look. It's a twenty minute walk and I don't mind walking so..."

"I'll walk with you, then," Hayden offered. Was he serious? Had he not seen the anger in Dastan's eyes when he offered to drive me home?

Hayden reached out to touch the small of my back, but I surprisingly didn't flinch back from him. No matter how scary he was to the student body and everyone else, I didn't really cower away from him.

Before he actually touched me, Dastan caught his hand and they stared back at each other. Dastan's eyes drew to be even darker, but then again, so did Hayden's. They were fighting a battle that no one but them had control over.

"Stop it," Mickie ordered and then Dastan released his grip. Although these two seemed to  be best friends despite everything, they seemed to act like they despised each other right now. "Let's go."

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