Chapter Forty-"One Hundred Dances and One TV Broadcast"

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My plan was slowly chomping at the bits.

We were already taking professional pictures after the ceremony and I hadn't seen Dastan, Nik, Mickie or even Hayden. How was I supposed to narrow down the Proliator's identity when none of them were here? Unless, they were all at the reception hall. There, I couldn't see them.

"So where's Hayden?" Kenneth whispered to me as we took pictures as a couple only for the bridal/groomsmen party. I smiled and waited for the flash of the camera.

"I don't know. You tell me," I replied in a slight grumble. My eyes flashed over to Sebastian, who was watching me now. "Or you."

Sebastian shrugged. I posed for the last picture and then stayed there while the adults walked away. Now, it was just me, Sebastian, Kenneth, Kylie, and Jem. Sebastian looked to Jem.

"Come on, Jem..." Kylie said, ushering him away because she knew there was to be something serious between me and the boys.

"So I've waited long enough. Now it's time for y'all to explain," I said up to the boys with my arms crossed.

"Why didn't you tell me about you and Proliator?" Kenneth asked me. "Does Hayden know--?"

"No one knows. I barely know!" I hissed. He's a superhero. Why were they so surprised that I didn't tell them? "And just leave Hayden out of it..."

"Well if he's your boyfriend then—"

"Okay. I don't really care about her and Hayden, alright? That's not what this is about," Sebastian hissed to Kenneth. He looked to me. "What's important is that the Proliator puts you in danger every time he's near you and he's careless about it"

"You mean he's saving me from danger," I restated.

"No. I don't," Sebastian said. "Do you know how many times I've caught him sneaking out of our house? Or how many times I catch him watching you from the fire escape or across the street? It's not many, but it's enough to figure it out, Angela...He's just trying to play you."

I scoffed a laugh.

"Why would he try to play me?" I asked. Regardless of him knowing I had a boyfriend and aside from one impromptu date, Proliator hadn't made enough "moves" to "play" me. I wasn't going to lie and say I reacted to the affections of the boys around me and their intentions to date me, but come on. If he had any pure intentions, whether to genuinely be with me or play me, he wasn't doing a very good job. Not to mention, he didn't have a motive. Why would he have any malice towards me, especially after telling me about his life? 

Maybe because you're the exception to his powers, was a reason that immediately rang out to me.

"Because he's setting us up!" he yelled, gesturing lightly between him and Kenneth. Now, his eyes were transparent with fury.

"Why would he do that?" I asked.

"Because he knows us! He knows that even though I can barely recall a memory four years ago, Kenneth can," he started. I still didn't follow. "So just to assure that we keep it a secret, he's getting to you. That way, he can get 'accidentally' caught which makes you a target, you can get hurt, and he wouldn't have to do anything about it but deny his identity, his relationship with you, and move cities. If he does get you in his stupid little game, he can complicate your life if we even mention that we've seen him before."

I shook my head and started backing up.

"You don't even know him," I muttered. "He wouldn't do that to me...He hasn't said anything about that—"

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