Chapter Sixteen-"He Doesn't Want You"

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Like the out-of-nowhere gentleman he was, Dastan drove back to my house and opened the door for me and Jem. While Jem just ran around the alley for the garage, Dastan and I stayed behind at his truck.

"So what do you want to do today?" he asked.

"You're not gonna bully me into anything?" I asked with fake surprise. He gave me a goofy face that said he didn't appreciate that, but I giggled instead. "Uh, I don't really don't know."

Really, I didn't care. As long as Dastan was being remotely considerate towards me, I didn't care if we were watching paint dry.

"Wanna watch some movies?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I don't really know what's out in theaters—"

"No, no, no. I meant movies at home," he chuckled. "There's no way I'm taking you to the theater."

I shuddered with self-confidence issues. Was he embarrassed of me? I slightly looked down and he nudged my arm for a second.

"It's because there, I'd have an urge to make out with you or something," he assured with a turn-up of his nose. I could imagine Dastan bringing tons of girls into the dark theater room only for him to make a move early on and make out with them for the rest of the time. However, with our closeness right now—as he towered over me—I actually wanted to go to the theater.

However, he stepped back from me and I heard a car pull up from the alley. Sebastian had the window rolled down to his self-fixed car and had shades on. He didn't even need to wear them for me to register his disappointment about me standing with Dastan.

"We're gonna go to the movies and go to the bowling alley and go..." Jem started to list. I guess the theater is out of the question now.

"Dad didn't say when he and Veronica would be back," Sebastian informed.

"Sweet, no curfew," Dastan cheered. I slightly laughed as I faced him and then looked back to Sebastian, who scoffed.

"He didn't leave any money on the table, so good luck with being broke," Sebastian added and then drove off. Is it me or is he always in a pissy mood when Dastan was around?

"He acts like I'd let you pay," Dastan snorted.

"I paid for pizza and the zoo," I reminded.

"That's because Jem was there and I didn't want to argue with you," he said.

"Argue about what?"

"On whether this is a date or not."


"This is what's going to happen. You insulted him and he's pissed. You're secretly scared of him and questioning when exactly he'll come after you. After a while, it'll become a game and then you'll start falling for him because who wouldn't? Well I'm here to tell you that it's not going to happen because it's impossible to happen, alright?"

We had agreed to disagree all night about this being a date or not, but as we were on our way home from the DVD store (only Dastan Vega would buy ten DVDs instead of rent them) I kept thinking of what Mickie said the first time I really talked to her.

Is it really impossible for me to fall for Dastan? Maybe she wanted it to be, or she was hinting that no one ever truly did—besides herself. And then I remembered when Nik said that Dastan and Mickie had never gone out. So she was really the one stuck in the friendzone no matter how affectionate she could act. Well, maybe? After all, I had seen them make out. However, something else had me worried.

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