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We ended up never really going on a honeymoon, which is how he convinced me to treat going to Paris this year as one. Except, going to Paris this year is exactly the same as it is every year; we stay with Antoine and spend ever waking minute with him too. I'm annoyed to say the least.

"I'm not entirely sure whether I should be offended by the fact that you make a face like you hate every second you have to spend with me or whether I should be squealing because it's very cute how much you want to be alone with your sweetheart." Antoine finally addresses my eternal scowl today. I only roll my eyes.

For the first couple of days I managed to be civil, not complain, and just internally stew by myself. I contemplated at least complaining to Jordie, but he loves this city and I love him too much to ruin this once a year thing for him. Sometimes I really annoy myself. But today, apart from somehow waking up in an especially sour mood, I also woke up to three missed calls of a random number, followed by a missed facebook call by a certain man I'd planned never to think of, let alone speak to again. Only for some reason he didn't let up and I spent my morning ignoring his attempts to get in touch. I refused to block him because I was petty and didn't want him to know that he was getting to me.

Before I can reply to Antoine's unnecessary observation, Jordie laughs at my side and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. It immediately calms me down a bit, but that fact annoys me all the more, so really it doesn't make a difference at all.

And then, on the way to whatever plans the other two made, we walk past that breakfast place I've once seen Jordie with one of his partners at the time, which I for some reason remember, right when my phone starts vibrating again, and it makes me snap.

Telling the other two to go ahead, I finally pick up the stupid phone when I see the unknown number flash on the screen yet again.

"What the fuck do you want?" I say coldly. I don't have to try hard, my mood has hit rock bottom and I've had enough.

"Sam, you picked up." Luce's voice sounds a touch surprised, and it sends a cold shiver down my back hearing again after so long.

"Only to tell you to fuck off."

"Don't say that. I saw you in Paris today. Let's talk." And even though it's been such a long time, I still recognise the every so slightly suggestive tone in his voice that is ordinarily quite hard to pick up.

"I know your version of talk. Don't contact me again." and I hang up on him, not giving him a chance for anything. Of course, he immediately calls back, but this time I reject the call and block him as well. It's not too far fetched for him to have seen me out and about, considering we've been here for a good week or so already, and I kind of expected it from the continuous calls out of bloody nowhere, but I refuse to be reeled into him again in any way.

With quick steps I manage to catch up to the other two, offer them a small, likely less than convincing smile and squeeze Jordie's hand just for good measure.

The day is pleasant at least, largely due to Jordie and Antoine understanding that I really do not want to have to participate in random chat today. They let me stew by myself and that makes the whole day just about bearable.

We're just walking to the restaurant we decided to go to for dinner, after having stopped by a little new cafe to try their hot chocolate that had made them immediately famous. It was actually fantastic. And I was jealous. The fact that my own recipe can hardly compare is irritating.

"He's just pissed because he thinks his hot chocolate isn't as good as that place from earlier." Jordie explains as we're strolling through the streets.

"Thanks for pointing it out, asshole." I shoot back immediately. Although, he isn't entirely right, but I won't tell him I'm so grumpy because I also just want him to myself. It would inflate his ego entirely too much.

Bouquets of Chocolate (manxman)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें