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"I can't believe I'm still doing this!" I complain, moving my arm up and down furiously. I'm probably not being very effective, but at this point, my already stretched thin temper doesn't let me see past that.

"We should have been done ages ago. We still need to get the cakes done ready for tomorrow and his suit is still at the laundrette. And I was trying to be pro-active by getting some of the fillings done today, but that's out of the window now as well. Not to mention that this place needs finishing touches too!"

Being aware of the fact that literally no one is in the room with me right now does not stop me from going on a rant while trying to finish painting the walls. He wanted this bright, warm yellow as an accent colour on some of the walls and surfaces, but obviously only thought of it a couple of days ago as we were moving the furniture in. We ended up having to leave all of it in the luton, which we then had to extend the hire of, and now we're behind the same schedule we were ahead of at the start of the week.

I jump a little bit when I feel a hand on my waist, but relax when I see the glint of the familiar ring as his fingers move to intertwine with mine that are holding the paint roller.

"Stop grumbling, food's here." Jordie mumbles into my neck and then kisses my jaw. I let myself sink back into his chest for second, enjoying my husband's warmth.

"Hmm, I can tell, but did you bring the burgers too?" I tease.

He laughs out loud, pulling me to him in earnest, before turning my head a little and leaning over my shoulder to properly kiss me.

"I've missed you," he whispers into my lips.

"You were gone for 20 minutes, casanova," I reply with a grin, pushing away from him to get to my late lunch. On the way I put down the paint roller in its little tray and take a quick detour to wash my hands.

"Just goes to show how addictive you are!" he shouts from the main room while I'm busy getting the paint off my hands in the adjacent bathroom.

"We're already hitched, no need to try and win me over!" I shout back.

"You were the one that offered to eat me just a second ago!"

I roll my eyes and choose not to shout back anymore, valuing my vocal cords enough to postpone the snarky reply by a few minutes.

"Doesn't matter whether we're married or complete strangers, I'd always offer to eat you." I tell him as I get back into the room, sitting on the naked dark wood floor opposite Jordie with the food in between us.

"O-ho. How adventurous of you!"

I choose to pull his hand to my face and lighting bite his middle finger.

"Stop tempting me," I say as I release him, "I want to try that burger now."

I refuse to look him into his eyes, knowing I've won that one but would stand a much better chance of that staying that way if I don't make eye contact. Plus, I really do want to try that burger. It's a Mexican cuisine inspired something and since the local burger place put it on the menu a couple of weeks ago, I've been dreaming about it. Today is finally the day.

Greedily, I take a huge bite out of and I can't help but moan; it's a whole party in my mouth.

"Can you eat in a more dignified manner?" I hear from opposite me, seeing my husband pull a disgusted face at me. I roll my eyes.

"Don't pretend you care." and I continue eating messily.

Jordie only shakes his head and digs in himself. Not that he's any better; he's a moaning mess in two seconds flat, with sauce dribbling from his chin and the promise of another order on his lips by the time he's halfway through.

Bouquets of Chocolate (manxman)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin