September 23, 1886

29 3 0

6:42 pm
16 years Daemon Age

    I stare down at my hands as I sit in the park, the sounds of my brother playing at the forefront of my mind as my father gloats beside me.

   "I hate you."

    The words almost seem to carry no meaning now. I've said them more than I can count, the subconscious playlist thats on repeat, even in my dreams, the words always there. And he doesn't care. Words meant to cut hearts like steel does flesh only bounce from his chest and land at my feet, useless. Empty.

    "Perhaps. It doesn't matter. You have a job to do." He tells me, his words sharper, a reminder that if I don't do this, if I go against my father, it would be nothing for him to deal with me.

     By any means.

    My jaw tightens and my brow burrows, but I don't respond, instead stranding up, my gaze set on the pregnant woman sitting across the park, her gold earrings clear in the bright sunlight.

    An unknowing target.

    An innocent.

    A means to an end.

    I walk towards her, pretending to walk aimlessly, attending on nothing, and all on her. When I reach the table, I glance down just as she looks up, her expensive jewelry swinging and jangling as she does, revealing perfect green eyes and plump lips that make my own part in awe, just as lighting strikes my heart, melting me on the spot.

   It's her.

   The one I've been waiting for since the beginning of time. The breeze shifts, pressing the sweet smell of sunflowers and honey against my nose until I'm dizzy with the scent, my knees weak with the unfamiliar thoughts and feelings tumbling through me.

    "You're a Faeire." I say stupidly, my heart floating with a serene feeling, that spreads through my body, her hazel green warm and welcome, trying to pull me towards her.

   She laughs, the sound light and filling, as if it's the only thing I need to hear for the rest of my life, her freckles cheeks stretched in a shy smile. "This is embarrassing. I finally meet my Knot after a century, and I'm pregnant." She says shamefully, red cheeks being hidden by a curtain of brown hair, and I find myself desperate to see her face again.

    "No!" I say, a little loudly, and I cringe before slowly sliding into the seat across from her, the world around us seeming bleak and empty, nothing in my mind other than the Faerie before me that stole my heart before I was sure I had one. "I don't care if you're pregnant. It doesn't matter. Not if it doesn't to you." I tell her, biting my lip, the usual desperate torment gone from within.

    She looks at me from a gap between her licks, and I try at a smile, though it feels more like a grimace.

   It's been a while since I've felt the urge to smile at all.

   And to my surprise, she gifts me one of her own, shaking her hair from her face, and my heart skips at how beautiful she looks with the sun falling to press a kiss upon her face.

    "You're more handsome than I imagined." She told me and I flush, the warm feeling against my cheeks, absent of shame, startles me and I cough to cover it.

     "I never thought I would find someone that could love me." I tell her candidly, and her perfect eyes soften, one of her delicate hands raising to rest upon mine, but just as it starts to move towards me, I see someone appear behind her, and the second it takes my eyes to register who's behind her, it's too late.

   I watch in horror as my father, the Demon King, places his hands along the Faeries shoulders, his eyes meeting mine, cold, dark, sinister.

     "No one ever will." Comes his voice and before I can blink, his hands are on her chin and the back of her neck, and with one swift turn, her neck is twisted and ugly, the startled screams seeming deafening and silent all at onceava her beautiful fraile body falls to the ground.

    My heart screams and my body begs for it's release from this world, pain and sorrow slamming into me, as if I was just tossed over into an endless sea.

    Sobs and screams that I've never heard come from my lips, pour out into the world and sky, the earth around me slowing turning brown, and then black as the living things died within a two foot radius of her body.


   "If you ever find someone to love you, then you have not done youre job as the Daemon King. Love is a weakness to be exploited. You would think with your brother, you would know that by now." The bastard sighs smugly before stepping off towards Graves, who stands on the playground by himself, his friends pulled away by frantic terrified parents.


  The only thing that could have pulled me from the darkness I placed myself in.

   He destroyed it.

   There's no hope.

   By the time he calls for me to leave, my chest is back to being numb, and I don't look at the unknowing target as I pass.

Heartbroken. Absolutely heartbroken. Can we all agree that we hate this man, who caused literally so much.



QOTD: Ranch or Honey Mustard?

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