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The next day jadwa wakes up earlier than usual she do take every advice her parents say to her and pretend nothing has ever happened between she and her husband, she was neutral with the both of them do armaan still apologizes to her which she told him it's fine and everything is in the past but the lost of her two pregnancy will always be in her heart.
She pick her phone from the bed side drawer and mutter 9am with a sigh she amble herself out of the bedroom to prepare a quick breakfast for her husband.

Adding the honey into the plate of pancake armaan pick the mug from the cabinet and start preparing tea for jadwa, he wakes up really early to prepare breakfast in bed for her to make up for his mistakes, he doesn't understand how and when things suddenly turn from sweet to sour between him and jadwa.

"Good morning." Jadwa say hugging her husband from the back making him to slightly smile as he turn to face her.

"Baby ina kwana
Baby ina gajiya
Shin kintashi lafiya
Rabin rai na......armaan quote sing from a song making jadwa to laugh.

"That is horribly sweet.
How was your night ?"she ask smiling staring at armaan who's smiling as he hug her by the waist.

"My night was awesome since i spend it with you, haven't been this happy for the past 2months."he say making jaadwa to chuckle.

What did we have here?"she ask and come out of his embraced.

"A pancake for the love of my life with a sweet honey as sweet as she is"he say and hand the plate of pancake for her making her to smile.

"You are the best husband in the whole world."she say and slightly kiss him on the chin.

After what seems like forever the two leave the kitchen to there bedroom, armaan telling jadwa how he really misses her cookings saying he has taken the week off to spend it just with her.

Ascending up the stairs jawahir tiredly walk up the long staircase with a sigh she wonder wether her husband has already leave for work, she haven't seen him since yesterday night after he spoke with them about peace.

What are you doing here?"armaan ask coming down the stairs with the now empty plate of pancakes.

"I thought you left for work?"she as and her hand wander to the empty plate in his hand.

I took the week off."he say and jawahir node.

That's good."she say and walk pass him.

Jawahir feel the anger and hatred of jadwa multiplying two times than before, for the past two months since she left,
  armaan has never not even for once enter the kitchen let alone picking and empty plate if they eat in the bedroom to the kitchen, she enter her bedroom and pick her phone to call the one person that always find solution to her problems.

Coming out of her bedroom jawahir close her door and head down the stairs, she spot her husband laying on the three sitter couch with jadwa laying on top of him, she try her best to control her anger as she descend down the parlour regardless how loud her flats echoes around the parlour they seems far asleep to even wake up with the loud television series playing, jawahir look once at them before exiting the parlour.

Waiting inside the eatery with her gaze fix on the entrance door she sigh in relief as she spot her walking inside making a smile to creep on her face.

"Bestie mi."jamila say with a smile and stand up they slightly exchanged hug before they both sit next to each other in the chair.

" how have you been?"jamila ask and jawahir grimace as belch shaking her head.

"Awful since yesterday,
Like seriously this dude just ignore me completely,
Can you even believe i left them sleeping on the couch together in the parlour."jawahir say she begin explaining and telling jamila what transpire yesterday down to today as she listen attentively to every single word her best friend say.

"Soo all this while he's just managing you or what?
I told you bestie you can never find that happiness not until we get rid of that witch completely."jamila say bitterly and jawahir node in agreement.

"But how can we do that because you know there's no way in this world ya armaan will ever divorce jadwa regardless what offense she did he will just ignore her for some days and he will run back to her."jawahir say with a shrug and jamila node.

The two stay in complete silence each engross in there own thoughts, jawahir thinking deep on how she can get rid of jadwa completely off her house and jamila thinking on the next step to take to lead jawahir astray.

There's only one solution out of this."jamila say making jawahir to look up with anticipation to hear what her best friend will suggest.

"Tell me please bestie i know you always find solutions to my problems."jawahir say with smile and exccitement.

"Come closer."jamila say, jawahir lean next to her and she whisper into to her ear making jawahir eyes to bulge.

Bestie this seems dangerous,
It's shirk it's forbidden islamically,
We can cook up some shitty mess and he will divorce her but this thing you are suggesting is a little big of a sin."jawahir say and jamila shake her head.

"You yourself say it earlier.
There's no amount of mistake or misunderstanding that will make ya armaan to divorce jadwa,
Don't forget that he was married to you but yet he traveled all the way from Nigeria to Bulgaria to bring her back and marry her after she ran away and left him on there wedding day,
What excuse or pain will she inflicts on him that's worst than what she did in the past?
Wise up bestie i have spoken with two of my friends and they assure me that once we go to that man and he did the work, armaan and jadwa will be like two different people separated forever."jamila say as jawahir sigh.

As bad as jawahir wants to get rid of jadwa off her husband life but she doesn't want to start going to spiritual mallams taking the evil path of shirk,
The lies and conniving ways she's doing alone is a great sin rather than embarking on shirk.

"I will think about it bestie.
Wlh I'm extremely scared,
What if we die on our way there or on our way coming back, it's straight to hell fah."jawahir say and jamila roll her eyes.

"We won't die now,
Wise up j,
I'm your bestfriend i will always want what's best for you.
Think deeply it's just something for a day and you will get what you want then go back and pray to the almighty even go to umrah to pray Allah is gaffur raheem."jamila say encouragingly.

The two spend the evening talking in the eatery with jamila trying to convince jawahir to agree to let them visit the mallam.

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