Pansy.P - Metamorphmagus

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A/N - okay now some things that will be addressed, in this book your Pansy's girlfriend (if you don't like it you can skip I'm not offended, if your homophobic, get your ass out of my book), also you're a metamorphmagus in this book

"Class is over." Thanking Merlin that the torture was over Y/N rushed out of transfiguration fully ready to head to lunch.

"Hey Mione!" Y/N shouted, waving at her friend, running trying to catch up. Both heading down to the great hall for lunch before leaving to Defence Against The Dark Arts. Chatting bout random topics on the way, Y/N's relationship with Pansy came up.

"How's Pansy? I haven't seen her with you lately."

"About that," Y/N said with a slight sad look, "she's barely talked to me in a week, and when we do talk she always sounds bored." Silence pursued the rest of the walk. Before Hermione broke it.

"Well Pansy's right there, maybe try talking to her?" Y/N deciding to take Hermione's advice, headed over to Pansy. Once they got closer though, Y/N realized that Pansy was talking about them, to her friends, and not in a good way.

"They're just getting kinda boring, and like they barely dress up for me anymore or do anything at all. Everything is just kinda plain with them. Maybe if their eyes were blue instead of brown or if they tried to keep in shape." Obviously Pansy had no idea Y/N was behind her, so she kept talking. Although Pansy didn't notice, someone else did, and said person decided to say something about it. Which put Pansy in an interesting position. Trying to formulate a response, Hermione interrupted her.

"This ain't build-a-bish, you don't get to pick and choose. Whether their eyes are brown or blu-." 

"Hey Mione, thanks for sticking up for me. Buuuuuuuut, I am a metamorphmagus. Soooooooooo. It kinda is pick and choose." Finishing their statement, Y/N stood there, awkwardly waiting for someone to talk. Realizing that no one was going to do that for them, Y/N did it themself.

"Soooooo, me and Mione are gonna go get lunch. Oh and Pansy? We're done." With that, the two walked into the great hall leaving Pansy behind.

A/N - I've had this idea in my head for weeks and I'm like incapable of making POVs so this is the solution. 

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