Chapter 11 - What we do defines us

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The five SUVs rocketed down the streets, pursued by police cars and a news helicopter. In the lead vehicle, Penguin was awaiting the arrival to a helipad so that he could escape to a safe house. The news helicopter was broadcasting and closely following the chase. The cars crashed through wooden crates, street signs and one even went through a McDonald's. Needless to say the customers weren't lovin it. 

"Come on, we need to get there before that wanker catches me or I'll cut ya damn eyeballs out!" Penguin yelled impatiently.

"We're going as fast as we can boss." One of his goons replied but just after, the car at the back of the convoy was rammed off the road by the Batmobile.

"Holy flamin' cow bollocks, this guy is crazy. Get me to that helicopter now or it's your arse!"

"Yes sir."

Back at UA, Kyoka was sat in the common room. She was worried for Izuku because of his outburst earlier in the day at All Might. She had been comforted by her friends and reassured he would be ok. Momo had brought her a cup of tea and had stayed with her since the incident.

"Why hasn't he came back? I'm worried Momo. What if he's hurt or worse?" She said, beginning to well up at the final words.

"Kyoka, he is one of the toughest guys on the planet, he will be ok. He will survive anything. He will come back, he may just need time or be busy." As she said the words, a news broadcast came up on the TV, attracting the attention of the whole class.

"Breaking news, police are urging people to stay indoors until further notice due to the present chase occurring on the streets. The person being pursued is Oswald Cobblepot, better known to the criminal underworld as the Penguin, a black market arms dealer. The chase has extended to the highway where it looks to- wait, the thugs are armed and shooting at the pursuing officers. What is that?" The camera of the news helicopter shifted to a black vehicle approaching quickly.

"It appears that the Batman is pursuing the remaining criminals while some police have dropped back."

"Izu," Kyoka whispered, "please be safe."

Bullets were fired over and over towards the Batmobile but all ricocheted off leaving no marks. Izuku pushed down on the accelerator and got closer to the remaining four cars. Once within range, he triggered the Batmobile's immobiliser rocket towards the rear vehicle. The shot landed on the front left wheel causing it to spin out and crash into the side of the highway. The thugs in the other cars then took out their assault rifles and began shooting once again. This time, Batman shot himself out of the Batmobile and into the third car through the back window. He immediately reached for the steering wheel and made a sharp turn with it before dropping a smoke pellet and disappearing. The car flipped on its side and rolled until colliding with the trailer of a truck.

"Bloody 'ell, do somethin' and get rid of the prat!"

The final escort SUV fired a rocket and pulled away but began shooting rockets nearby, almost hitting civilians. Knowing that the people came first, Batman broke off the pursuit to go after the thugs with the RPG. He had easily caught up to them so he rammed them off the road and got out the Batmobile. Penguin was long gone but he could interrogate his men to fond his location.

As the men crawled out of the vehicle, Batman approached them with intent to harm if necessary to get his info. As he cracked his knuckles and edged closer, the thugs got ready for a fight but were immediately knocked out in a quick blow.

"It's fine now... Because I AM HERE!" All Might yelled as he brought all the criminals in front of Batman.

"We all know you're here and you ruined my chase on Cobblepot. Now he could be at his helicopter and I have no associates to interrogate thanks to you.

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