Chapter 30 - Chasing leads and cards

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Izuku POV:

*December 24th, Christmas Eve. Investigations into the people behind All Might fighting me a few months ago has been progressing albeit slowly. They know how to disappear from ordinary men, but I'm not ordinary. The police and heroes have been ordered to arrest me on sight but UA don't seem to care and I've even gained an ally I can trust in the police. Lieutenant Jim Gordon. Meanwhile, my other nightly crime fighting has continued as usual but more and more are becoming scared. Once the warning hits the sky, that light shines and the rats scatter to the darkness. But now they stay away from it. They think I'm out there constantly, hiding in the shadows waiting to strike. But I am the shadows and I must pick my targets carefully if I want to stop crime and corruption. Much to the displeasure of my beloved Kyoka, this life has turned me into a nocturnal predator of the wicked. I still love her and spend as much time with her as possible. This life can tear you apart, and I am feeling the effects of it in my body, my soul.*

*The streets and roads are crowded, just in time for Christmas. People are happy, celebrating. But there is always evil lurking, waiting for the opportunity. But I'm there as well, waiting for them to make the first move. Criminals are a cowardly and superstitious bunch that fear what they can't see or understand. To me though... fear is a tool. One I have spent many years understanding and manipulating. I don't let my fear control me, but they do. It controls them. I control them. I'm what they fear and I manipulate that fear to my will. And now? Now I'm chasing down the scumbags who ordered me dead. I'll work my way through all of them until I get to the top if necessary. The city can be brought back to what it was, even if it is one gang banger or corrupt politician at a time.*

Regular POV:

A truck pulled up to an alley next to a club called The Iceberg Lounge, neon blue lights exposing the filth and blood on the streets and the cold air piercing the skin. Brutes standing guard to the palace of greed and lust, the most corrupt and powerful spent many a night here eating away at this city's wealth and never being satisfied. Their greed? Limitless. Their lust for power? Insatiable. And their thirst for control and feeling untouchable? Unquenchable. And those intended to uphold the law turn a blind eye, save for Gordon and a select few. All the hyenas looking down on everyone else and picking this city to the bone. The Penguin owns this club and has frequent visits and alleged business dealings with Roman Sionis, aka Black Mask. Cobblepot supplies him with weapons for his drug operations and Sionis pays him but nobody takes him down because he and the rest of the "Hero Comity" have bought off the right people. Or in some cases, threatened them and metaphorically have their balls in a vice giving them an added incentive to do their bidding.

Batman stood perched on a rooftop opposite the Iceberg Lounge, watching the truck carefully. A few seconds after parking up, they started loading guns in as well as ammo and various other assortments of weaponry. Thinking quickly and like the detective he is, he tagged the truck with a tracker and sent some information to Gordon in order to help follow the delivery and bust their operation. Meanwhile, Batman glided over to the glass roof of the Iceberg Lounge and looked down to find Penguin's office. Now since this was his club and he has connections with a lot of people the police couldn't touch him but he is no cop. Cobblepot was discussing more trades with Sionis so Izuku used his high tech cowl ear piece to listen to their conversation.

"Why the need to up ya muscle Sionis? At this point, ain't no dumb arse stupid enough to mess with any of ya. The payment better be fair or this 'ole deal is off." Penguin addressed the other crime boss while lightning a cigar.

"You see Oswald, the Bat problem still isn't solved. I don't know if you've noticed but Batman has been working his way through our operations and pissing me off. The big guy has considered bringing in some people from the League or even some new guy I've been hearing about. I told him it's not necessary and that if I want to secure our investments, you are the guy I need to talk to. The more weapons I got, the higher chance we kill the Bat and anyone in our way. The only problem is that since we couldn't get him killed in a fight with All Might, the big guy has even considered personally getting involved which we do not want right now."

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