Chapter 27 - Tracking down Freeze

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"I'm close to Penguin's arms dealer's location. If I drop onto a roof nearby I can observe the deal, catch them in the middle of it and get my answers." Izuku said on his communication device as he jumped out of the Batwing and glided in the city sky, casting a shadow of fear below.

"Mr Midoriya, I urge you to come back here. All Might will have this handled without much trouble." Nezu said, trying to get Izuku to listen.

"I'm taking down Freeze, that's all there is to it. Just keep him out of my way. He can do things his way, I'll do it my way." Batman landed on a rooftop overlooking the dock, crouching down and concealing himself in the shadows to better observe the deal. The waves crashed against the docks and rain poured down everywhere. The streets stained with water and crime. Pipes creaking from pressure, droplets pattering against glass and rust tainting structures. Just like how crime had tainted the city and even the world. For the time being though, his prey was the unfortunate criminals trying to deal weapons in his city. And somehow Freeze had a connection to it. If Batman had a guess at what type of weapons they were, there'd only be one guess.

As the time came closer for the deal to take place, Batman grappled up to the arm of a crane, well above where some trucks were pulling up. He took out a collapsible rifle and aimed down the sight. This was his disruption rifle. Batman switched the ammo from tracking to sound device. Once ready and when he saw all members of the deal exit their vehicles, he took a shot which silently landed on the rim of one of the trucks. He then put away the disruption rifle, kept himself perched on the crane and observed from the darkness. He then tuned his comms to the correct frequency to hear what is happening. 

"So, where are the weapons?" One thug asked, getting impatient already.

"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down there. We ain't showing anything till we see the money."

"I ain't doing business with someone unless I know they have goods."

"You calling Penguin a liar?" Then, all of Penguin's goons reached to their sides and gripped their pistols.

"No. I just like to know what I'm getting into. How about this, we both show at the same time and no blood."

"Sounds fair." Both revealed their items. The buyers showed their money and Penguin's men showed off the weapons. It was as Batman suspected, cryogenic weapons like Freeze's ice cannon. He had everything to put them behind bars so he quickly took some photos and sent them to the cops. That was when he heard the police radio go off.

"All units, we got an anonymous tip about a weapons deal going down. Any available units head to the docks to intercept." The police dispatch said over the radio.

"Come in dispatch, not gonna be able to respond tonight. We got a hell of a lot of villains out here and a bunch of ice." An officer replied.

"Copy that. Reassigning to a pro hero. All Might is enroute to the deal now if anyone wants to clean up afterwards."

'Damn, that won't give me much time.' Izuku thought to himself. 

Batman threw some batarangs down towards the tires of the vehicles, letting the air out in a snake like hiss. This frightened all of the criminals who pulled out their guns and started shooting at the tires. But when they stopped, nothing. They all turned to each other out of worry but quickly turned to face a window that just shattered so the started shooting again. While they were in a frenzy of panic, Batman snuck up behind and quietly took out 2 of them. Fortunately there was only 8 so just 6 more to go. Once they were unconscious, he retreated back into the shadows. The remaining thugs turned to find the 2 unconscious bodies and tried to make a run for it. Unfortunately for them though, this was what Batman wanted.

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