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Hello to all the humans reading my ff's. I don't even know why am I writing this, you all already know the part I posted recently was the last one and I ain't gonna write any other season in this. But as it was the first fanfiction that I wrote in my life it's gonna hold a really special part in my heart throughout my journey of being a fanfiction author. Thank you, these two words aren't enough for expressing what I am feeling right now. I never expected that I would even get more than 20 views on my first fanfiction but suddenly someone dm'ed me Congratulation for 100 views and I was like ARE YOU KIDDING ME and then it went from 100 to 150 then 200 then 250 then 300 and now it's on 1k like it's a moment that can never be forgotten I still need to work hard next time to achieve even more success for the next fanfiction and I would be doing the same. I am thinking of writing another fanfiction in a month or a few which might be a Taehyung or Jimin ff so stay tuned for that too, At last again Thank you, Sending love and warm wishes. <333333

-Author Nim

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