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a pair of sparkling eyes and a beautiful smile,
were all it took to knock the door to her heart.

but what could actually unlock the knob is abstract,
a hidden gem behind that magnificent work of art.

a chapter that may not reflect the title given,
leaving her with curiosities right from the start.

a week past by but never a minute he left her mind,
she took it as a sign to just shoot her dart,
even if her ship could be sailing the wrong path.

two cups of tea and a generous slice of peach tart,
complimented their first date on that wonderful evening.

his name slowly climbed to the top of her chart,
turning her puddle of affection into a deep blue ocean.

his charms turned out to be flowers that grew from a beautiful heart.

on jubilant days she won't hold back to smile widely,
as she knew he will stay even if everything is falling apart.

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