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i thought dreams were about landing on fluffy clouds,
roaming the sky as if it was a floating palace waiting to be explored,
or running across endless meadows while rose petals fall like confetti,
a place where it's always summer and the breeze smells like citrus,
a place where i realized that it could only exist in dreams.

i thought dreams are beautiful as diamonds in the night sky,
but i guess the dreams when you're awake are not like that,
because this dream is scary, this dream is controlling me,
this dream makes the clouds look a hundred times higher,
it is poisoning me to choose despair over desire.

i thought dreams could fly you to the moon in a split second,
sadly that does not happen in dreams in the daylight,
the path to this dream is long and full of deadly thorns,
this dream is making me carry the weight of the universe,
sometimes too unbearable that it feels like a curse.

i thought dreams were about joy and excitement,
like the first snow of winter when everybody looks up and smiles,
but actual dreams require blood, sweat and tears,
revealing the true colours of life that i have yet to see,
for someone who dares to dream, i guess everything now is up to me.

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