Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

"So wait, let me get this straight... The collar means he... submits to you? Is that really okay?"

Of course Lea would be skeptical about my relationship with Akin. I hadn't expected it before, because the idea that she'd care wasn't even possible, but in truth, it was and now she'd finally gotten us alone so she could discuss it and even though they were discussing me, no one was directly speaking to me, much to my relief. I was too tired to explain it with Akin's amount of patience, so I laid back on the sofa with my head on Akin's lap while he gently stroked my hair.

"Yes," Akin assured with a warm smile, "Everything we do is consensual. Hannibal knows that if he ever wants to end it or change something, he just has to say the safe word and speak his mind." Lea seemed to be trying to wrap her head around it with a frown, biting on the end of her thumb before looking at Akin warily.

"And you're not hurting him?" She asked. Akin shook his head.

"I'd sooner die than ever hurt him," He promised with a smile, "I know what Hannibal's limits are and I never push him to the point of scaring him or hurting him."

"But the collar? I think I'm having difficulties understanding that part."

"It's like I said, a sign of submission and ownership in our relationship," He explained, then paused to laugh quietly, "Actually, I was really afraid of giving Hannibal his collar at first. I thought it was taking things too far too fast, but when I handed it to him, his eyes lit up like a kid's on Christmas morning." Lea cocked her head curiously at that and looked at me.

"And you're positive you're okay with all of this? It's not making you feel... minuscule?" She asked. I shook my head.

"It's like he said. If it bothered me, I'd leave. If anything, I feel..." I hesitated. I'd never really gone this far in explaining my relationship with Akin. Most people just assumed we were in it for the kinky play, but it went far beyond that... If anything, my relationship with Akin made me feel safe and controlled and loved unconditionally. But I'd never said that out loud before. It felt strange confiding to my mother about it.

Actually, it just felt strange in general to talk to my mother about relationships. Was that weird? I had no idea what was an odd topic to discuss with parents or not. It seemed to differ from person to person. Akin, for example, refused to discuss the sexual part of our relationship with Lucifer. According to Akin, it was icky and none of Lucifer's damn business what we did. Meanwhile, Alaric had no problem approaching Lucifer for help or advice in that department. So it was different for every person, and it was almost like a different parent for each child.

What would Lea be open to? What would she rather not hear?

Now that I thought about it; I really didn't know anything about Lea. I knew the basics. I knew her fighting style and the fact that she liked shopping and that somehow she and Hades were on friendly terms. She loved make-up and perfume and seemed to opt for boho clothing most of the time.

But I didn't know her.

"It's all right," Lea said after my pause, and she smiled, "It's not particularly any of my business. I just wanted to make sure you were happy and well. That's all that matters." Akin smiled at that and I could feel his body tense with excitement. I wasn't sure why he was excited, though. I just closed my eyes again and continued to rest my head on his lap.

"We should go out for dinner tonight," Akin said after a moment, making me peek an eye open to see Lea blink in surprise, "There's a lot of nice places down on Mercury Avenue. I'm sure we'll find something we all agree on. Hannibal likes a lot of Asian and Indian foods, though." Lea smiled.

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