Cube really does suck doesnt it

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Soooooo I'm not really sure how to address this I'm not really good at this kind of stuff, but I'm fairly certain most if not all of you already know the situation with Soojin that's been going on since March. If you don't I'll try to sum it up as best I can, but someone who used to go to school with Soojin when they were children claimed that Soojin had been apart of some bullying towards her and some other girls, we still do not know whether these accusations are true or not. I along with most nevies believe that Soojin is innocent and hasn't done what she had been accused of.

Buuuuttttt whether we believe so or not it is not going to help Soojin. Because what Soojin needed was hard facts to protect her and prove her innocence. We thought that cube and their legal team had gotten said facts that were needed to help Soojin. But as cube always has done they failed us they failed the rest of the girls and most of all Soojin. And yesterday it was announced that Soojin would be leaving (G) I-dle. Cube also announced that
(G) I-dle would resume activity as a 5 member group consisting of Miyeon, Minnie, Soyeon, Yuqi, and Shuhua. If you are a baby nevie or were a baby nevie in the past 6 months and never got the chance to see Soojin for the person she is besides in old videos and v lives I am truly sorry for you just know that Soojin was one of the kindest caring people I've ever seen. For me (G) I-dle will always be ot6. I hope that no matter what the girls end up doing later on you will support them. Whether that be them leaving cube or staying and continuing activity as a five member group.

I still can't fully process that Soojin will no longer be in (G) I-dle, that we will no longer be able to hear her voice in new music that is released or see her in any I-talks or group v lives. (G) I-dle was the first group I really stanned a lot of the reason for that was due to the fact that all 6 of them had such wonderful personalities and skill sets the god tier music was just a really big plus but now with only 5 of them I'm not quite sure how the dynamic will work.

I'm not sure if I should continue to make "incorrect quotes" of the members because if I do I would still want to include Soojin because even though she is not apart of (G) I-dles activity anymore, I don't think I could just do ot5. I guess I'm just asking for some advice on what I should do. Stop making these scenarios all together or should I just continue to make them as ot6.

Lastly to end this... I'm not even quite sure what this is but to end it and I mean this from the very bottom of my heart...

Fuck cube.

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