Chapter 2: Plans

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     Chris :

We entered my father's study to come up with a strategic plan.

  With the help of myself, my future Beta Don and his father the current Beta Mike McMathew, my father finally decided on a solution.

Tyler sat in a seat, listening to us.

  I would give him weary glances once in a while, thinking that no one should be going through this.

"We'll send Sean Paul and Frankie Hoss, our best trackers to go to your property to check things out. " My Dad said to Tyler.

  He nodded his eyes dull and lifeless.

It was silent for a few minutes.

"We were totally caught off gaurd " He finally said.

  We looked at him, waiting patiently .
"We were celebrating my younger brother, Matt's marriage to his Mate Kelley . Every one was happy, dancing and all of a sudden we're surrounded by these rogues...."

He swallowed convulsively before continuing.

"Clothes shred as my men shifted, protecting their Mates and siblings and pack. But not me, my gaurds forced me out the pack house. All I could do was mind link my father. He told me to leave, that he would take care of everyone . Above all he's my Alpha, and I had to listen. A few miles away, I told my gaurds to return . They should've been here by now..."
  Tyler's eyes had become glassy and he kept clenching and unclenching his jaw.

"Son show Tyler to a bedroom, and with a change of clothes please. "

  "Yes father" I bowed my head " Beta, Don I'll see you tomorrow. "

I led Tyler to a room, then went in search for clothes. When I drop them off I close my eyes in agony, he was sobbing in the shower.

I vowed these assholes would pay, no one should go through this!

  I exited just as my father linked me to run a few rounds.

  I ran till 11, not physically exhausted but mentally.

"Go on to bed Chris, you have school tomorrow " My father mind linked " We'll keep a look out for the gaurds, but either they're gone or captured."

"I agree father, good night" I climbed up the stairs and into bed.

I dreamt of my Mate, and I vowed I would find her tomorrow.


I cursed as I pulled up to my house.

  His Charger was parked out front.

I checked my ipod, 6:34.

He got off of work at 6 .

I opened my door as silently as possible and closed it, silently praying that maybe he had stayed later than usual.

  I had taken a few steps before a large figure loomed out of the living room.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He screamed.

  Veins were bulging from his neck and forehead.

By instinct I took a step back.

"I....ummm.... I.." I stuttered over my words, fear immobilizing me.

"Don't try lying bitch! My food wasn't made and you know I hate that!" He screamed storming up to me.

  I fell to the floor with the force of his slap.

My lip was busted and my cheek stung.

"Get up!" He grabbed me by my hair and lifted me up.

  I screamed in agony, my head was on fire!
"Shut up!"

A punch to the jaw.

Then I was thrown to the floor. My bones rattled at the force.

  His weight was on top over me instantly.

The breath was knocked out of me, I couldn't breathe.

My breaths came in little gasps, as I struggled to breathe.

Finally the weight was gone and I dared to hope.

  Then I heard the jinggle of a belt, and my pants were ripped off.

  His weight came back and tears streamed down my face as pain filled me at the sound of a crack!

My rib was broken.

  I could hear his hard breathing above me but I tried to zone it out.

I tried to ignore the feeling of him groping me, of roughly entering me.

  Of this even happening.

I faintly felt him retract just as he came.

Then his weight was gone.

"Dont let it happen again bitch!" He said before walking away.

I laid there too tired , my body aching as I made myself get up. It took me forever to get down the hall and into my room but I managed.

I glanced at the bathroom and groaned.

I made myself take a shower, letting the warm water cascade over my aching body.

  As soon as I got out I went into my medicine cabinet and took out my pill case. I filled a cup up with sink water and took my morning after pill.

I wouldn't chance myself getting pregnant from my own father, it was disgusting.

Usually the night before a school day I would have an outfit ready but I saw no point. I wasnt going to school anyways.

I climbed into bed and cried into my pillow, hoping it would smother my loud sobs.

Why did this have to happen to me? Why me?

  I asked myself that question everyday yet it was always left unanswered.

  Finally I fell asleep wishing I was dead.


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