Jealous much?

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*-*-*-*-*-*Sam: *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

The next day, when I got home I felt light hearted, like there was something to look forward to.

Which there was, I was meeting Chris in one hour.

At school we talked about the project, and Chris reminded me again that we were meeting today.

I cleaned the house, made Him some Fried chicken with rice and beans. And just for the heck of it I made dessert too, a chocolate cake.

I ate at the dinner table for once, and just sat there and did homework.

But I couldn't concentrate, my mind kept drifting to Chris.

What was he doing right now?

Soccer practice, duhh I rolled my eyes at my own stupidity.

I looked at the clock on the wall, 40 minutes to go.

What if I just dropped by? Would he mind?

He would be here in 30 minutes, and I really didn't want to be here.

My mind made up I went into my room, put on a clean black tank top. I grimaced at my choice of clothes, but I didn't really have much to choose from.

I sighed. What if I just went in a tank top? No, I immediately shut it down.

I wouldn't sell myself like Chelsea.

I found a purple shirt, that hugged my body. The neckline was a little low, but that was okay.

I put on dark dark skinny jeans, then my black boots.

I looked myself in the mirror, and grimaced.

My cheek was a little yellow but it would heal soon.

I guess my body had gotten used to the abuse that it healed quicker than normal.

I brushed out my hair, leaving it hanging down my back.

I sprayed a little Justin Bieber perfume that I had bought myself a while back.

I had a job over the summer at a diner named Big Fred's.

I had been kind of surprised Dad had let me keep it.

Of course I had to give half the money to him, and I also saved the tips for me.

I had saved all summer and had managed to make a total of $700.

With that I bought some clothes and my jacket that I loved so much, also parts to restore my bike.

Finally ready I looked at the clock, I only had fifteen minutes.

I grabbed my backpack and ran outside and hopped on my baby Mad Dog, which I had restored from the junk yard.

She was the only thing I cherished in this world.

I put on my helmet, then turned it on. The bike rumbled to life beneath me.

I loved the feel of the wind against my skin as I rode down the roads. It took me less than ten minutes to get to school, since I didn't live far.

I parked, took off my helmet and just sat there.

What should I do now? I looked around, it looked deserted except a few cars from the players. Shouts rose from the soccer field not so far away.

Now that I was here, I didn't know what to do.

"Hey Sam!" I followed the familiar voice to Don. I was a little disappointed, but instead i smiled.He started limping over and I ran to him.

Abused Mate | ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum