Rewriting Abused Mate

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Hello Everyone !

I just wanted to let you all know I will be rewriting Abused Mate. I wrote Abused Mate in 2013 when I was 14 years old and I'd like to think that my writing has developed somewhat . The name will be changing as well as some of the plot and I hope to change some of the concepts as well. Anyways to those who are interested I'll be slow in uploading but I will try to do it atleast once a week. Life gets in the way.  I know I never quite started Ravens Story and for that I apologize. However I could not make myself start writing it until I have Abused Mate and His Cursed Mate rewritten. It would drive me crazy otherwise. Anyhow I hope that you all give me a chance in showing I can improve Abused Mate and His Cursed Mate.

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