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A few days followed when I had Vlad for myself unexpectedly. All the vampires of the Council left the castle in Rareş' wake and Vlad decided not to go to Hunedoara until they would send for him.

Radu, on the other hand, left immediately after the Council's departure-- now that Jusztyna and Rareş' relationship was confirmed, the brothers resolved that Radu should move closer to Sighişoara where Jusztyna lived at the moment, to keep a close watch on them.

Vlad and I spent most of this time together, but they were not the most pleasant days. The atmosphere in the castle had changed, everybody grew thoughtful and worried. It became clear to all of us that if we wanted any justice restored in this place, we would have to do it ourselves. The way things were now, Rareş would never turn against Juzstyna and Andrei, and the three of them would never stop plotting against Vlad.

I sighed deeply as I let my eyes stroll over the snow covered meadows through the window, where I stood waiting for Vlad, Junior and Lucas to come and join me for dinner in my chamber. At least it finally stopped snowing... I did not get an occasion to sneak to the village yet, and it would definitely be easier to reach on snow free roads when the possibility occurred.

Closing my eyes and pressing my forehead against the cool glass, I sighed again, imagining my conversation with the priest. Just how are you going to convince him...

Vlad wrapped his arms around me from behind suddenly, making me smile and scattering my thoughts.

"I heard you sighing all the way to the library," he said, his lips brushing softly against the side of my neck, trailing kisses all the way to my shoulder, making me shiver and lean into him, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing..." I said, voice faltering, "everything. I don't want you to go to Hunedoara. The Council..."

It was his turn to sigh. "I just received Rareş' letter. I'll have to leave tomorrow. But I won't be away for more than two or three days, Samara."

"Take me with you." I said, turning around in his embrace to face him. I had been thinking about this-- there was no reason why I should stay here this time, why he should leave me behind.

He cupped my face in his hands and looked directly in my eyes as he spoke, "No, my love. It might be dangerous, I... don't know what will happen should they provoke me again..."

"You are not helping this. That's why I want to come with you, to help..."

"No, Samara. I need to know that you are safe, here, out of their reach. I'm taking the Knights, there might be a fight..."

"If you fight them, they'll arrest you, you know that! Let me come with you, I'm sure we can handle anything together. Should there be a fight, I can defend myself now, don't forget that I'm a vampire like you!"

"Samara, please... I can't, the thought of you so close to them again, on their ground, would drive me crazy... Don't ask this of me..."

His plea was interrupted by knocking on the door, announcing Lucas and Junior.

You'll never win this battle, my subconscious whispered.

Sighing again, I nodded, surrendering, even as the two men entered. I loved Vlad too much to argue with him pointlessly.

The following morning Vlad left, accompanied by Junior and followed by a large group of his Knights, while I remained in the castle with Lucas and Clara, under the protection of the Guards.

After we said our goodbyes in the courtyard, I watched Vlad and his men ride over the drawbridge, across the white meadow, then disappear into the forest, tears which I could not suppress any longer running down my cheeks. I was sad that he was leaving, anxious because it would be days before I heard from him again, but angry as well, because he left me here.

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