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When we reached the castle again we were met by Lucas waiting for us in the courtyard.

He said that one of the Knights who were positioned in a place beyond the woods where I had never been so far, at least in this life, where one of the paths running through the forest from the castle joined a road leading to other castles and towns, had returned with news. They saw a group of men on horseback approaching along the road a few hours ago. If those men were the vampires from the Council heading towards our castle, they would be here in no time.

We all looked at Vlad for instructions.

"I'm not willing to spoil this day for anyone. We will continue with the celebration as we planned and present it to them as a family event of little importance. I'll receive them to find out what they want this time, you don't worry about anything."

I sighed deeply, and bit my tongue before I could speak my mind. If only it was so easy not to feel anxious.

Vlad helped me off the horse, meeting my eyes questioningly, but I only shook my head. There was no point in adding my worries to his. I laced my arm through his silently and we followed Clara, Junior and Lucas inside.

The first course of the late wedding lunch was only just served when our visitors were announced, three of them today, and chairs and golden cups were promptly added to the long table for them.

I observed the newcomers anxiously as they fell into an easy conversation with those sitting around them, their silvery cloaks and bright smiles flashing through the shadows filling the Great Hall.

I looked at Vlad when he put his hand on my thigh, drawing my attention.

"You mustn't worry. We got through worse than the Rareş' Council before."

"They'll never leave us in peace..."

He took a deep breath. "No. I'm sure they know exactly what we're doing, Rareş just prefers not to speak openly for now. I don't know what he is planning, but I think that sooner or later we will really have to face them..."

"In a battle? Is there really no other way to solve this situation?" I asked, voice shaking. "I don't want..."

"Don't think about it now. We will do what will need to be done, when the moment to act comes." He said, wrapping his arm over my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

How I was not supposed to think about it was beyond me. Still, I nodded and continued eating when more food was served, not wanting Vlad to worry even about me. He had enough problems to think about as it was.

"I must go," he said after a while, kissing me on the forehead even as the music started to play. I glanced towards our guests, finding them already standing up, waiting for Vlad to join them. "I hope I won't be long. You have fun, and don't let my son and Clara feel uneasy."

I nodded silently, watching him leave the room followed by the three members of the Council.

You mustn't worry. My subconscious repeated Vlad's words mockingly.

"Will you dance with me?" Radu asked, scattering my thoughts as he leaned towards me over Vlad's empty seat at my side.

Looking towards Clara and Junior's seats I found the newlyweds already among the dancers, so lost in each other that there was no need for me to talk them out of any worries at the moment.

"Gladly." I agreed then, looking back at Radu.

He offered me his hand and I let him lead me in the middle of the dancing couples, smiling as I noticed how fast I recalled the right steps to the music.

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