7|| Disbelief

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Mr Osoro swirled the glass in his hand. The liquid which had the scent of strong liquor with cubes of ice made small sounds, barely audible over the muted sounds filtering through the mostly soundproof walls.

He stared forward, his steely gaze making the man sitting not too far away twitch uneasily. A hush fell as the other three people inside the spacious room waited.

"I don't believe I have to repeat myself, I've already made myself clear on the matter of your...business proposal." He shared a look with Jiho standing beside him then turned back to the sitting man.

Mr Osoro held the expression as if whatever they were discussing at the moment was above him.

In a way it was-comical even.

If the man sitting adjacent to him felt displeased by his words, his face did not show it. His polite smile stayed in place and his posture hardly faltered.

He was, however, beginning to show a few cracks in his facade of calm.

"With all due respect Mr.Osoro," He tried once more, "...may you perhaps reconsider?" His eyes slid to the table between them where a small stack of folders lay untouched. "And review the files at least?"

Mr Osoro lifted the cold perspiring glass to his lips took a sip, not even bothering to look towards the table. The strong liquor burned it's way down his throat but he welcomed it, face staying completely neutral.

Just sitting here and sharing a few words was already maximum he'd give to this man.

Mr Nagato.

A man of reputable wealth and status on its own, who ran an empire and sat high and firm among the ranks. His achievements were notable-although vastly incomparable to the conglomerate that was the Osoro.Co. and Mr Osoro himself.

After ignoring Mr Nagato and his calls to have an 'important' meet for a total of five days, Mr Osoro finally caved in irritation and was thus invited to talk over a few drinks. The location being a club that was apart of Mr Nagato's chain of enterprises.

He only chose to meet because of the history between their fathers some dealings and an existing familiarity between both of them, Jiho had reminded him.

Not to mention the man was calling relentlessly, every single hour of the day. It was truly hard to ignore.

Mr Osoro begrudingly attended and was shocked to find out that Mr Nagato intended to put forward a deal. He was willing to give up some product and manufacturing rights his company and brand had been holding on to for years with seemingly no intention of releasing them to the public market.

It was surprising at first, Mr Osoro had to admit that he almost gave it some thought. That however, was immediately stunted the moment Mr Nagato went into detail on the next half of his 'proposal'.

He was offering those rights out of "goodwill", and was "indirectly" requesting to partner in the development of the auctioned property after it got acquired by the Osoro. Co.

This 'property' was a stretch of land going over 600 acres (by rough estimate) of mostly untouched land located right in the middle of what could be a prosperous and profitable zone with just the right amount of care and funding, that and an upscale of the infrastructure around it.

Like some, Mr Nagato already knew trying to outbid the corporation was a loosing battle -Mr Osoro basically had the property already in his hands. So, Mr Nagato chose a round route instead. Looking to 'invest' into the development to secure a spot for himself before anyone else got similar ideas.

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