Drew The Loose Screw

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Okay but the books is FINALLY starting to get where I need it to be. we're so close to being out of that awkward initial action part of the plot. ALSO I have to start gym in TWO, count them with me, TWO weeks. I DONT WANT TO. RUN ME OVER OR SHAVE MY EYEBROWS BUT DINT OUT ME THROUGH GYM.

okay maybe I'm a bit dramatic but who cares? don't forget to vote, comment and stay as far away from the gym as you can!

"Vinnie is this really necessary?"

"Yes. If you're coming to my birthday party you should meet my friends."

I sighed and played with my nails. "Doesn't a zoom feel a little formal?"

"No." Vinnie messed around on his end of the call and bit his lip as he typed away. "We should be joined by Michael anytime now."


I returned to my bed a cup of steaming coffee in my hands to see a full screen of people staring at me.

"So this is Max?"

"No. I'm Henry here to scam you for all your money."

"Really?" Vinnie said, annoyed.

"I'm so funny literally shut up."

Introductions were made and now it was awkward silence.

"So the weather's pretty nice. How about those Cubs huh?" I grinned at my computer screen and Michael laughed. "What even is the LA team? The Mets? Packers? Blackhawks?"

"Max you just named three teams from different sports, none of them correct. How- I- You make my brain hurt." Calvin sighed and I grinned.

"It's the Dodgers."

"Jake you googled that, it's no fair." I whined, reaching for my cat. Bear jumped into my lap and I buried my face into his fur.

"Well, you never said I couldn't so I think it's fair."

"I hate you." Jake laughed and I picked at my nails, suddenly very bored.

I glanced at my phone and grabbed it, opening my camera. I took a picture of me and Bear from my lap and sent it to Drew. I played with Bear, scratching his belly as I sat on the call.

"Anything to say before I end the call?"


"Nice Max." Vinnie rolled his eyes and I laughed as the Zoom called ended. God that was tiring. I closed my laptop and stood up stretching. I grabbed a popsicle and situated myself on the couch, opening Netflix.

I stared at the giant boxes in the lobby of my apartment. This is what I bought? Junk? I rolled my eyes and chided myself for being so drunk and stupid. I stacked up the boxes and picked it up, almost falling over from the weight.

I had unpacked everything, piling it around me. I had books from designers, shelves, fake plants, a desk chair, a desk and so much more. No wonder half my bank account was gone. I sent a picture to Drew to get his reaction and was immediately met with a FaceTime call. I accepted and grinned as his face filled my screen.

"What the fuck Max!? My god!" I laughed and Drew furrowed his eyebrows. "You bought so much shit."

"Dude I know. I'm so broke it's not even funny. Plus I got fired because of a hookup."

"No fucking way. Give me all the details now. Are you still a virgin?"

"Drew I lost my v card back when we still lived together. I told you literally right after it happened."

"Yeah because I was in the same room! Still haven't forgave you for that." I laughed and Drew urged me on to tell him the story. I spent the next hour going into depth my entire relationship with Vinnie.

"You didn't use condoms? What the fuck Max. What the actual fuck."

"Yeah I know but trust me I'm not pregnant. I took a test."

"Have you told him?"

I shook my head. "He would've contacted if he was worried. And then after a week of not talking he sets up a zoom call with his friends."

"You should prank him. Pretend to be pregnant."

"Drew, I love you but you're so sadistic."

"I'm not sadistic, I'm funny."

"Horribly." I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I feel like that's evil though."


"How would I even fake it?"

"Amazon, duh. I'm sure you know how to use it by now."

"Fuck you." Drew laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Drew, I think you're a loose screw."

"Yup, that's me. Drew The Loose Screw."

"I don't know how we have the same parents. I came out fine and you...came out."

"So graciously put."

"I have nothing to due tomorrow so international movie night?"

"Fuck yeah!" Drew grabbed my phone and ran out of his room, his camera blurry. I grinned and started making popcorn.

Halfway through How To Train Your Dragon 2 I fell asleep with Bear on my lap. I awoke laying down on the couch with Bear on my back. I must've collapsed in my sleep. I laughed at Bear meowed at me as I moved him. I checked my phone before stretching and feeding Bear. I ate my leftover popcorn for breakfast as I scrolled through Amazon. If I was going to do this I was going to need to place an order soon.

Halfway through ordering Vinnie called me. I hesitated before answering his call. Was this the smart idea? No. Was it necessary? Yes.


"Vinnie. What's up?"

"You're still coming down to LA right? I need to plan something if you are."

I bit my lip and frowned. "I'm really really sorry but I don't think I can. I don't have enough money to fly out and I don't want you flying me out. It's too much money for both of us. I really want to be there but it's just not realistic for me."

Vinnie sighed. "I was afraid you were going to say that. I'm sorry for being so distant lately. I've been swamped."

"No I get it. You're famous and you need to do all that famous people things. I'll wait for you until the world is burning down."

"Okay Miss Romantic." I grinned and thought back to my conversation with Drew. Do I? Would it be funny? Would it ruin everything? "What're you thinking about? Is it something sexy?"

"Not Vinnie I'm not thinking about you. I'm thinking about my brother Drew."

"Oh." Vinnie's eyebrow raised. "Is it funny?"

"To him. I din't know if I find it funny yet."

"What's the joke? Maybe I can be an outside opinion."

"It actually involves you." I cringed and Vinnie's face dropped.

"Good things I hope?"

"Of course. He's just teasing me about my new boyfriend. Or hookup. Whatever we are."

"Very close friends." Vinnie slightly laughed and I forced a laugh. This was getting very difficult for both of us.

But what were we anyway? Is Vinnie delaying our relationship because of his fame? Is he delaying it or is he denying it? Are we friends with benefits or just close friends that have made out and had sex. Whatever we were it had no label. I doubt even the best romantic could put a label in us.

No matter what we were pregnancy prank would ruin this. I'm sure of it.

But am I going to do it anyway?

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