Step Sister

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I silently ate my dinner, not in the mood to join the conversation. Happy Thanksgiving to me. My family had fallen apart without my knowledge and now the holidays were fucked. So were these recipes. Jolie totally butchered everything. I hope Vinnie is having a good dinner. If he didn't burn it.

I had built a fort in the basement, joining me was the og kids. Kelly set up her IPad and we FaceTimed mom and Issac. I grinned when I saw them. My mother was glowing and Issac had the biggest smile.

"Hi mom."

"Honey! Drew! You guys are all there."

"Not all of us."

"I know. I wish I was there."

I eased into a conversation and we all relaxed, the weight of the last few days off our shoulders. Nothing else mattered right now. I was home. I was with my family. And that's all that mattered.

I dragged my things into Kelly's room and we all slept on the floor together. I woke up early the next morning and took a shower. Last night we had planned on going into town for some family activities. Yuck.

I sat on my bed, putting my things away, my hair still up in a towel. I went back into the bathroom, looking for my necklace. I searched the bathroom for it, coming up empty handed. I retraced my steps, dumped out my bag and even got Drew to help me look for it.

No luck.

I joined my dad, Jolie and Henry in the kitchen. "Have you guys seen my necklace? It's gold, got a ruby heart with diamonds around it. I was wearing it yesterday. On a gold chain. Expensive?"

"No. Where'd you last see it?"

"I took it off for my shower. It was gone when I came back for it."

Jolie shrugged. "I'm sure we'll find it."

"I don't want to be rude, but I need that necklace. It was a gift. From my boyfriend. An expensive gift."

"You have a boyfriend? Since when?" My dad's eyebrows furrowed.

"You have a new wife? Since when?"


"Good morning." Millie skipped into the kitchen and I internally groaned. I looked her over and my eyes zeroed in on her chest. She snapped in front of my face. "Hey, weirdo. My eyes are up here."

"You're wearing my necklace."

Drew walked in, still a bit dazed. Kelly pushed him forward and went straight for the coffee machine.

"No, this is mine. I got it for my one year with Gavin."

"No, that's mine. I got back in LA."

Jolie turned to her daughter. "Honey, did you take your sister's necklace?"

"What? Of course not? I'm not a thief."

"We'll then problem solved." She turned to me, smiling. "I'm sure it just got misplaced somewhere. Are you sure you retraced your steps?"

I glanced at my father, tears welling in my eyes. "Dad. You know that's my necklace."

"No, daddy knows it's mine." Millie snapped.

My dad sighed and set down his coffee. "Max, I'm sure you just knocked it off or dropped it. Millie wouldn't steal your things. You're her sister."

I stared down Millie. "Step sister." I turned in my heel and walked back to Kelly's room, closing the door behind me.

No one's POV

Millie hid a smirk as she seated herself next to Henry.

"Dad? What the hell was that?" Kelly asked, baffled by her father's words.

"Millie wouldn't steal."

"Why are you just laying down and saying that? The dad I knew would've went and helped look, just sat there and listened to his wife. The dad I knew wasn't a pushover."

The father stood straighter and cleared his throat. "I am your father and I will not tolerate you speaking to me like that."

"Exactly. You're my father. Not her's. You've know me, Max and Drew our entire lives. Almost twenty years and yet you choose to believe some snotty brat you've know for a year over us?"

"In the time that I've known Millie, she has yet to do anything behind our backs."

"Because you're too blind to see it!" Kelly ran her fingers through her hair and laughed. "You act like I'm the step daughter. Who got thousands of dollars worth of gifts for their birthday? Each? Who got the IPad and a gift card to Target? Who was able to make cheer, even thought it would be more trouble with pickup? Who couldn't do art club because pick up clashed with cheer?"

"Is there a reason to this? I don't know why you're bring all this up over some silly necklace."

If looks could kill, Drew would be behind bars and Millie would be 6 feet under. "I'll have you know, Max is in love with the boy who gave her that necklace. If given the chance, she'd pick him over this family any day. And from what I've seen, so would I." Drew scoffed and turned on his heel, going to find Max.

"Oh great, so I'm losing all my children today."

"Maybe you deserve it, Frank." Kelly gave him the middle finger and walked off.

Jolie swore under her breath and Frank just sighed. Why couldn't his kids all just get along? Millie was perfect nice. Maybe it was a good decision he divorced Anne.


After my siblings gave me a run down if everything that happened I couldn't help but cry. Kelly had just put a huge target on her back and Drew had practically disowned himself. Just for her.

"It'll be funny for you to see when they get nothing from my business. It's all going to my real family." Drew said, causing me and Kelly to attack him in a hug.

"Oh and just wait til Christmas. You're getting everything you want while bitchface over there's gets coal and socks. With holes in them." I raised my eyebrow, smirking at Kelly. "And maybe Henry will get a deflated football."

"I'm so glad I turn 18 in a few weeks. I'll be able to graduate and move out."

"Any thoughts on where you want to go to college?"

"USC or NYU. I'm studied my ass off for finals so hopefully everything works out in our favor."

I glanced at Drew. "Well seeing as I'm in love, Drew's company is getting the recognition it deserves, I'll say that those chances are pretty high. And even if you don't get a full ride, me and Drew will help. No doubt daddy dearest is transferring your college tuition into his new daughters account." I sighed. "I'm sorry for all that. You didn't have to practically get disowned for me."

"Oh please. I've been waiting to go off on dad since the wedding."

"I wish you could come to New York for Christmas. It'd be so much more fun than here."

"As long as you're paying I'm always down for a trip to the Big Apple."

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