Thanks Thomas

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Really sorry for missing last weeks post you guys! I had a 200 point summarize due and there was no way I was going to risk that. Love you guys but I need the academic validation. I also had to read my entire story because I forgot half my plot
Lol. To make it up to you guys I'm going to try and get another chapter out tmrw. It might happen, it might not but be on the lookout. Also, thanks for 14k!! Ifk if it'll be that much by the time you see this but I'm rounding up! I'm really happy that we've made it this far!

Also, good news! I'm working on a new, hopefully more realistic story. Its going to be a Vinnie story and its going to be an enemies to lovers. Exciting, I know. I don't know if I'll do a sequel to homegrown but if I don't then that story will definitely come out next.

Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!

I sat next to Vinnie and listened as he explained how to operate Twitch. I had decided it was best for me to do something productive with my time. I thought about going back to work but I couldn't. It would take too much time and this was easier.

I did miss the aspect of a job though. I had done some sponsorships but I missed the routine, the waking up early, the steady flow of money.

"And you're all set. We just need a profile pic and a username."

"Can I make my profile Adam Sandler or is that impersonation?"

"Pretty sure that's impersonation."

"Damn. Then just choose some picture. And for the username just make it Max or something."


"Kiss my ass."

"You're so mean to me." Vinnie whined, leaning onto me.

"Whatever you say." I kissed his forehead and patted his chest. "Now move, I gotta post this on Insta."

Vinnie laughed and scooted his chair back, letting me slide in. He went to my spot and I posted to my Instagram story.

I started a live and slowly waited for the people to join in. It was a slow night, the most viewers being around a thousand.

I stood outside, about to get into my car when I felt the hairs in my neck stand on edge. I looked over my shoulder and saw the raven haired girl standing in the house, staring at me. My blood ran cold as she lifted a hand to wave at me. She wiggled her fingers as I stood there frozen.

She laughed and turned away, walking further into the house. I quickly got into my car and locked the doors.

I put my hands on the steering wheel to steady them and put my car in reverse. I drove out of the gates, speeding away as soon as I could.

I pulled into the parking lot of a busy strip mall and pulled out my phone to call Thomas. My first thought was to call Vinnie but I knew it wouldn't do much to help.

"Hey Max, what's up?"

"Hey Thomas. Do you know if anyone's home?"

"Mia and I are out at Target but I think maybe Tabitha and Renata are home. Why?"

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I saw someone staring at me from the house."

"What do you mean?"

"I was about to get in my car and I turn to see some chick standing in the living room staring at me through the glass."

"Are you sure it's not a visitor?"

"Thomas I'm pretty sure that as my stalker."

Thomas paused. "You have a stalker?"

"I have since at least October, maybe August."

Thomas swore and I glanced out at the people around me. "Is she dangerous?"

"I don't think so but she threatened me at BOA a few weeks ago, when we went out to celebrate."

"Does anyone else know?"


"Look, don't go home until I get there. If she's still there when I get back I'll call the cops. What are your plans?"

"I'm thinking of getting lunch and going to Vinnie's warehouse."

"Okay. Me.and Mia should be home in half an hour. Ill update you then."

"Thanks Thomas."

"No problem. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and leaned back in my seat.

I sat across from Vinnie and watched as he bench pressed. I watched as the muscles in his back flexed as he pushed up.

He looked really good and I could definitely see the impro from when we first met. Comparing Vinnie from the fight to now I'd say he's gained a lot more muscle.

"Something bothering you?" Vinnie asked, wiping his face with a towel.

"Uh. I just had a weird encounter earlier?"

"Yea? What happened?"

I sighed. "My stalker was watching me from inside the house." Vinnie paused, his waterbottle almost to his mouth.

"Stalker? The one who slashed the tires?"

I nodded. "She just wants me to leave LA. She hasn't physically threatened me."

The word yet hung un the air, neither of us brave enough to speak it.

"God I miss my old life." I mumbled, bringing my knees to my chest.

Vinnie sat down next to me and put his arm around. We sat in silence for a bit until I peeled away from him to go to the bathroom.

I rubbed some water on my face to wake me up and then went back to find Vinnie.

The streetlights were on when I came back but the sun was still there, just about to set.

"This is my favorite time of day. It's dark but still light."

I nodded. "It's pretty. Nice to play sports in."

"I'd love to go for a run." Vinnie glanced at the clock on the wall and back at me. "What do you say? It's 6 now, we could run for a bit and then go home."

I glanced down at my shoes and shrugged. "Not sure Converse are the best things to run in but sure. But I'm not following if you start sprinting."

"I would never."

It was nice to get out and run, even if it wasn't in the best shoes. Vinnie and I were at a slow enough pace were we could still talk and we did, talking about our days and what we wanted to do this week.

It was dark by the time we got back to the warehouse and I was quick to get in my car. Vinnie and I drove home together, me following him.

We walked in together, laughing and being loud. I was feeling less stressed and wasn't worrying about anything in the moment.

We stopped dead in our track when we saw Thomas standing in front of everyone, his hand together.

"Glad you guys are home. I was just about to start a meeting."

homegrown 》v. hackerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt