Chapter Two

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As soon as the Prime got alerted by The wrecker about his old friend's awakening. he didn't waste any time at all to get into Medbay. Medbay was white, Very clean, equipment in their proper places, Medicines and chemicals tucked away in a cabinet out of reach of clumsy wreckers and the room was quite bright due to lighting that was in there. Ratchet was groaning, Shifting a little on the medical berth. Optimus walked beside the medical berth he was lying on and made sure he didn't fall off of it. So he wouldn't injure himself more than he already is. The medic moved his servos to shield his optics from bright lights that were shining directly on him. Not one of the first things to see when you wake up from an incident but he now knows how the others feel when they first wake up.
"Nnngh" Ratchet groaned as he tried to sit up however he felt a big servo on his chassis. The medic tried to shift his head to see whose massive servo but he couldn't.

He was focussing on getting his optics adjusted to the bright lights that were located in Medbay. That big servo on Ratchets chassis slowly pushed him down onto the berth with a grumble of the Medics engines going off. he slightly winced but the prime did his best to gently put him back on the medical berth gently and safely as he possibly could.

"Easy there Old Friend.You have been in quite an incident.You will have to savour your strength until you can fully recover from this. Do you remember anything before your incident?" Optimus asked calmly as he saw The medic deep in thought. He was trying to recall what had happened. The prime waited for a response as the medic carefully tried to sit up but the Prime had to help him in the process of doing so.

"Not that I can Recall however I do remember a little bit as some of it is still a blur but it will come to me within time" The medic responded as his optics were getting used to the bright lighting that the medbay had. He was able to open them a bit more. He turned his helm to look at Optimus who was sitting by the berth he was laying on.
"Thats quite alright Ratchet, That incident would have messed up your memory core. Could you tell me what you remember? Theres a possible chance that you will remember along the way of the subject Old Friend" Optimus stated as he noticed Ratchet looking at him.

The prime gave him a soft but gentle smile. The medic was hesitant to even answer but he eventually gave in. he cleared his voicebox.
"I was just experimenting on some DNA that I had found during a mission. I simply took the sample on our way back and began to run tests. I had operated the tests and got the results I was looking for however I found a chemical near wheel jacks bombs. Thought nothing of it before I put the chemical with the DNA and it began to spit out smoke. Agent Fowler was in the room so I had to put him in my servos to protect him from the dangerous fumes that were being produced and then it soon exploded in my faceplates and the rest is a blur Optimus." Ratchet responded slowly as he was recalling slowly what has happened but he eventually remembered most of it. " Optimus was just about to say something as he noticed something happening With their team Medic, They're the only medic they have at the moment.

The medic was tossing and turning, He seemed to be uncomfortable from whatever was going on. The prime stood up from the chair he was sitting on and calmly stood back to give his friend as much space as he required. Ratchet clenched his helm with his servos, he hung his helm down as he hunched over, Something was happening to the medics frame.

The medic let out a few painful screams enough for the whole base to hear. The humans and the four cybertronians looked over to the doors of Medbay when they had heard the painful screams that was coming out of the medic. Optimus on the other hand was watching his friend and slightly flinching at his painful screams. It hurt the Prime to see his old friend like this. Ratchets frame began to retract into himself. pieces of armour clashing into each other making him quite uncomfortable,The medic was venting heavily and trying to sort out his ventilation out. Some more painful screams escaped Ratchets voicebox.

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