Kisses [Luffy x Reader]

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-I wanted to start with one shots with each of the Strawhat members, so here's the first one with the captain we all know and love!


Luffy didn't quite understand signs of affection. He didn't think too much on the kisses on the cheeks you gave him and the minimal flirting you did. When you confessed your feelings, he was even more clueless.

"Of course, I love my nakama!"

You almost gave up because of how dense and oblivious he was.

Thankfully, with a little pushing and nudging from Nami, he finally seemed to get it.

To your relief, he did see you as more than just friend and family. He just didn't recognize the feeling. And when Luffy learned what kisses on the lips truly meant, he wouldn't stop giving them to you.

He'd give you kisses in the morning with his stinky breath, kisses right before bed, kisses which tasted strongly of meat between meals. He'd kiss you from far away, even when he was on shore and you were still on the ship, stretching his rubber neck over to kiss you. Most of the time they were random and sudden, with no reason at all.

"Kisses show that I love you!" Luffy claimed, and it was true. "I always love you, so I have to always kiss you!"

It was embarrassing, really. But it was also adorable and you loved it.

And one day the kisses meant life or death.

He had gotten into a fight with another pirate and was knocked into the sea. You were able to get him out, but he was lethally wounded by the pirate he had barely defeated.

Be seemed so lifeless and helpless it scared you. You cried as Luffy laid on the ground, eyes rolled back and mouth gaping open. His opponent laid further away, unconscious and beaten.

There was a bloody wound on his side, still bleeding despite the ocean's water, and the red liquid stained his clothes and yours. Your hands were covered in the warm liquid in a matter of seconds as you tried your best to apply pressure on his wound with your clothes. The others won't be here until way later, and you had to help him now.

Your eyes were blurry with tears, and suddenly, you panicked when you saw that he wasn't breathing. You cried harder, tears streaming down as you tied the cloth around his waist and performed CPR.

"Luffy! Stay with me!" You did chest compression, water coughed out from his mouth, and then breathed air down his throat into his lungs, and repeat. Your lips met his, each time adding more purpose to your actions. They were kisses of life, begging him to stay alive. Begging him to stay with you. Begging for another kiss from him.


Chopper's voice called to you. The others arrived, and brought back Luffy to the ship to get more treatment.

"How are you going to become king of the pirates if you're dead?" you sobbed, taking his hand tightly. "Luffy." You repeated his name over and over.

Each day he took to recover you made up the missing kisses with your own, wishing him to get better. Until he finally did, surprising you with a bite on your lip, as if you were meat.

It almost drew blood, but you didn't care. He was back. He was alive.

You quickly shoved the plates of meat prepared by Sanji into his arms, but for once, he resisted his need for meat and first kissed you instead. Your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, your lips.

"[Y/N]," he said between bites, him swallowing some of the food whole. He laughed, wrapping his arms around you multiple times. "I love you!"

"I love you too, Luffy."

He giggled, as if not acknowledging the pain he's supposed to be feeling.

"I love you more!"

You leaned in to kiss him, smiling and not saying anything back.

"You're not going to argue about that?" He cocked his head to the side, grinning foolishly.

You laughed. "Luffy, ya dork."

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